50+ Messages / Page

  Membership #109252878 for xxxxxx@gmail.com (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 13, 2023 at 4:30 PM

Mitch McConnell just announced:

iVote     We’ll be blunt: We need you to know 3 critical things. Then, we’re going to ask you to chip in $15 to renew your 2023 iVote Membership before our midnight deadline. Mitch McConnell only needs to defeat TWO of our Democrats to retake power -- and he’s already raise…
  Membership #109252878 for xxxxxx@gmail.com · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 12, 2023 at 8:30 PM

We can’t overstate the importance

iVote     We’ll be blunt: We’re about to ask you for $15. But first, let us explain why donations from our Democratic Members are so important to us. Republicans have proposed over 400 voter suppression bills to silence our Democratic votes -- and if we let them succeed, th…
  xxxxxx@gmail.com, iVote Civic Education Fund · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 11, 2023 at 4:30 PM


iVote Civic Education Fund We’ve got five reasons why you should chip in $5 before iVote’s midnight deadline:         We’ve got five reasons why you should chip in $5 before iVote’s midnight deadline: 1. The Supreme Court just announced a MASSIVE challenge to the Vot…
  James Carville · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 10, 2023 at 4:30 PM


iVote     DEMOCRATS NEED YOU!   That’s why I asked. That’s why Nancy Pelosi asked. That's why President Biden asked. That’s why even President Obama broke his silence to tell you the stakes!   FIRST: Democrats stunned the world and kept the Senate blue.   THEN: Mitch McCon…
  FINAL MEMBERSHIP UPDATE (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 9, 2023 at 8:30 PM

your 2023 membership status:

iVote     We asked you Friday. We asked you Saturday. We asked you Monday. And we’re reaching out again -- that’s how critical this is. We still need another 298 grassroots Democrats to step up before midnight and renew their 2023 iVote Memberships. We can’t afford to sit…
  Mary Trump · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 8, 2023 at 4:30 PM

iVote is key to keeping my uncle out of power

iVote     Hey there -- my uncle Donald Trump is dangerous. He came into power sowing division and stoking a racist conspiracy theory about Barack Obama’s place of birth. He left office spreading a dangerous conspiracy theory that the election was stolen. But he isn’t out of…
  xxxxxx@gmail.com, iVote Civic Education Fund · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 7, 2023 at 9:41 PM

the Supreme Court just announced:

iVote Civic Education Fund This is an emergency. The Supreme Court just took up a challenge to the Voting Rights Act -- and if it succeeds, it will allow RAMPANT voter suppression from coast to coast.         This is an emergency. The Supreme Court just took up a ch…
  MEMBERSHIP UPDATE for xxxxxx@gmail.com (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 6, 2023 at 6:45 PM


iVote     We need you to know three critical things: 1. Donald Trump has already announced his next hateful presidential campaign. 2. He’s raising more than $1 MILLION PER WEEK to take back the presidency. 3. If he succeeds, he’ll flip the Senate red on his coattails and g…
  MEMBERSHIP UPDATE (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 5, 2023 at 8:31 PM

update #109252878 for xxxxxx@gmail.com

iVote     This couldn’t be more urgent. Our Democrats hold a ONE-seat Majority in the Senate -- and if Republicans flip just two seats, they’ll take down our Majority and put Mitch McConnell back in charge. In moments like these, we rely on our Founding Members to stand str…
  Membership Update for xxxxxx@gmail.com (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 4, 2023 at 4:30 PM

about your 2023 membership

iVote     We can’t overstate it: Our Democratic Members saved our democracy last November. Thanks to Members like you: -- We defeated election deniers in ARIZONA. -- We defeated election deniers in MICHIGAN. -- We defeated election deniers in NEVADA. Republicans are FURI…
  Membership #109252878 for xxxxxx@gmail.com · info@ivoteforamerica.org
February 3, 2023 at 7:05 PM

your 2023 membership

iVote     Let us explain why our Democratic Members are so critical. Republicans have introduced more than 400 voter suppression bills to silence our voters. They’ve spread lies about our elections and attacked our Capitol. And they’ve already raised MILLIONS to take back…
  VOTING RIGHTS ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 31, 2023 at 10:31 PM

our final ask

iVote     NEW YORK TIMES: "States Push for New Voting Laws With an Eye Toward 2024" We need your eyes on this immediately. The New York Times just revealed that Republicans across the country just launched a brand new WAVE of voter suppression bills - and we need your help …
  James Carville · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 31, 2023 at 3:30 PM


iVote     DEMOCRATS NEED YOU!   That’s why I asked. That’s why Nancy Pelosi asked. That's why President Biden asked. That’s why even President Obama broke his silence to tell you the stakes!   FIRST: Democrats stunned the world and kept the Senate blue.   THEN: Mitch McCon…
  Hakeem Jeffries · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 30, 2023 at 9:10 PM

I'll be blunt

iVote     This is important so I’ll get right to it: 1. It took House Republicans 15 rounds of voting to finally elect a Speaker. 2. My first major fundraising deadline as Democratic Leader is in 24 hours. 3. I need iVote to help me raise 1,331 gifts before the calendar …
  Membership #109252878 for xxxxxx@gmail.com · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 30, 2023 at 3:30 PM

We can’t overstate the importance

iVote     We’ll be blunt: We’re about to ask you for $15. But first, let us explain why donations from our Democratic Members are so important to us. Republicans have proposed over 400 voter suppression bills to silence our Democratic votes -- and if we let them succeed, th…
  xxxxxx@gmail.com, iVote HQ · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 29, 2023 at 9:30 PM

as of 4pm

iVote     Nancy Pelosi asked. Hakeem Jeffries called you to action. Mary Trump told you the stakes. Kirsten Gillibrand followed up. And now we’re reaching out again.   We’re closer than ever to securing our Democratic Senate Majority -- and ensuring Donald Trump and his cro…
  VOTING RIGHTS ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 29, 2023 at 3:31 PM

we’re sounding the alarm 🚨

iVote     We’re sounding the alarm. CNN just reported that the Supreme Court is preparing to DECIMATE crucial voter protections across the country, giving conservatives a MASSIVE win right before the 2024 election. We won’t stand for this. That’s why we’re calling on anoth…
  SENATE ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 28, 2023 at 9:30 PM

we need your eyes on this >>

iVote     POLITICO: “EARLY ACTION ELECTRIFIES 2024 SENATE BATTLE” We need your eyes on this immediately. A brand-new report just revealed that McConnell’s Republicans are ALREADY mobilizing to flip the Senate RED. -- They’re mobilizing in MONTANA! -- They’re mobilizing in…
  MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 28, 2023 at 4:35 PM

Democrats SURGING

iVote     This is incredible! After President Obama implored EVERY grassroots Democrat to step up and protect our democracy from Trump’s Republicans, our Democrats EXPANDED our historic Senate Majority! Now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to build the BIGGEST Democrati…
  xxxxxx@gmail.com, iVote Civic Education Fund · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 27, 2023 at 9:30 PM

3 things

iVote Civic Education Fund In a minute, we’re going to ask you to chip in $5 before midnight.         In a minute, we’re going to ask you to chip in $15 before midnight. But first, we need you to know three critical things: 1. The Supreme Court just announced a MASS…
  GEORGIA ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 27, 2023 at 4:31 PM

John Lewis legacy ERASED

iVote     We need you to see this. John Lewis left behind a lifetime of heroic work to win and protect the sacred right to vote -- but now, vengeful Republicans are working overtime to ERASE his life’s work. They’ve introduced more than 400 bills in nearly every state to su…
  FLORIDA ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 26, 2023 at 10:30 PM

critical Senate update;

iVote     This is critical: FIRST: Florida’s far-right Senator Rick Scott just announced he’s running for reelection. THEN: He announced he's standing by his radical agenda to SLASH Social Security and Medicare. NOW: We have a chance to flip his seat, turn Florida blue, …
  Mary Trump · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 26, 2023 at 4:30 PM

iVote is key to keeping my uncle out of power

iVote     Hey there -- my uncle Donald Trump is dangerous. He came into power sowing division and stoking a racist conspiracy theory about Barack Obama’s place of birth. He left office spreading a dangerous conspiracy theory that the election was stolen. But he isn’t out of…
  SENATE ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 25, 2023 at 10:10 PM

devastating projections just released:

iVote     We had to reach out as soon as we heard. A top election forecaster just announced our Senate Majority is at MASSIVE risk:   -- Arizona is a TOSSUP. -- Montana is a TOSSUP. -- Ohio is a TOSSUP. -- Republicans are even FAVORED to flip WEST VIRGINIA!   We know it se…
  TRUMP ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 25, 2023 at 4:01 PM


iVote     We’re about to explain why we need you to confirm your 2023 Democratic Membership with iVote. We’ll be blunt: We’ve never faced anything like the threats to our democracy that we do now. That’s why we need 2,876 2023 Membership Renewals before our critical midnig…
  xxxxxx@gmail.com, iVote Civic Education Fund · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 24, 2023 at 10:30 PM


iVote Civic Education Fund We’ve got five reasons why you should chip in $5 before iVote’s midnight deadline:         We’ve got five reasons why you should chip in $5 before iVote’s midnight deadline: 1. The Supreme Court just announced a MASSIVE challenge to the Vot…
  RESPONSE MISSING (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 24, 2023 at 3:01 PM

as of 9am:

iVote     We need your eyes on this: We just unlocked our 2023 Democratic Membership Drive -- but as of 9am, we still don't see your name. Will you confirm your Membership before our critical deadline with $15 and become one of our very FIRST 2023 Democratic Members? It's …
  TRUMP ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 23, 2023 at 10:31 PM

Politico just reported:

iVote     BREAKING: TRUMP PREPARES TO OPEN “NEXT PHASE OF 2024 CAMPAIGN”   We’re sounding the alarm. Politico just announced that Donald Trump is planning a MASSIVE event in South Carolina to kick off his next hateful presidential campaign. If we let Trump build ANY momentu…
  Trump HUMILIATED (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 23, 2023 at 5:11 PM

NY Times just reported:

iVote     This is the most important email we’ve ever sent you. Donald Trump just announced that he’ll run for President for a third time. We need a MASSIVE Democratic fundraising response -- 1,791 gifts before midnight -- to OUTRAISE Trump, hand him an embarrassing defe…
  MEMBERSHIP UPDATE (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 22, 2023 at 9:31 PM

update #109252878 for xxxxxx@gmail.com

iVote     This couldn’t be more urgent. Our Democrats hold a ONE-seat Majority in the Senate -- and if Republicans flip just two seats, they’ll take down our Majority and put Mitch McConnell back in charge. In moments like these, we rely on our Founding Members to stand str…
  xxxxxx@gmail.com (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 22, 2023 at 4:31 PM

DESPERATELY need your help:

iVote Barack Obama broke his silence     Our former president is breaking his silence and calling on EVERY grassroots Democrat to help protect our Senate Majority and defeat every Republican who stands in our way. They know this is our chance to make Republicans pay for stan…
  BREAKING (via iVote Civic Education Fund) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 21, 2023 at 9:01 PM


iVote Civic Education Fund We need you to see this.         We need you to see this. We’ve watched politicians try to overturn election results they don’t like. We’ve watched them incite violent attacks when they’ve failed. We’ve watched them suppress access to the b…
  iVote HQ · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 21, 2023 at 3:01 PM


iVote     $1. That’s the donation we’re asking you to make before midnight. Yes, just $1. $1 to kick off the new year strong. $1 to make sure every last vote is counted fairly. $1 to stop Republicans from overturning any result they don’t like. It probably doesn’t seem…
  xxxxxx@gmail.com, iVote HQ · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 20, 2023 at 3:16 PM

as of 10am

iVote     Nancy Pelosi asked. Hakeem Jeffries called you to action. Mary Trump told you the stakes. Kirsten Gillibrand followed up. And now we’re reaching out again.   We’re closer than ever to securing our Democratic Senate Majority -- and ensuring Donald Trump and his cro…
  MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 19, 2023 at 7:31 PM

Democrats SURGING

iVote     This is incredible! After President Obama implored EVERY grassroots Democrat to step up and protect our democracy from Trump’s Republicans, our Democrats EXPANDED our historic Senate Majority! Now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to build the BIGGEST Democrati…
  Kirsten Gillibrand · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 18, 2023 at 5:46 PM

Sharing the big news with you personally

iVote     I wanted to share the official news with you personally: I’m running for reelection to continue fighting for you and your family in the U.S. Senate. In a minute, I’m going to ask you to become a Founding Donor to my reelection campaign. But first, please let me e…
  Membership #109252878 for xxxxxx@gmail.com · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 17, 2023 at 5:00 PM

We can’t overstate the importance

iVote     We’ll be blunt: We’re about to ask you for $15. But first, let us explain why donations from our Democratic Members are so important to us. Republicans have proposed over 400 voter suppression bills to silence our Democratic votes -- and if we let them succeed, th…
  James Carville · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 15, 2023 at 8:01 PM


iVote     DEMOCRATS NEED YOU!   That’s why I asked. That’s why Nancy Pelosi asked. That's why President Biden asked. That’s why even President Obama broke his silence to tell you the stakes!   FIRST: Democrats stunned the world and kept the Senate blue.   THEN: Mitch McCon…
  iVote Civic Education Fund · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 14, 2023 at 4:01 PM

building for the future

iVote Civic Education Fund We need you to see this.         We need you to see this. The election may be over -- but our work is only beginning. Vengeful politicians have introduced HUNDREDS of voter suppression bills in the last two years -- and we need to be prepa…
  Mary Trump · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 13, 2023 at 4:30 PM

iVote is key to keeping my uncle out of power

iVote     Hey there -- my uncle Donald Trump is dangerous. He came into power sowing division and stoking a racist conspiracy theory about Barack Obama’s place of birth. He left office spreading a dangerous conspiracy theory that the election was stolen. But he isn’t out of…
  Hakeem Jeffries · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM

RE: humbly asking

iVote Saturday, I was sworn in as the new Democratic Leader.     Saturday, I was sworn in as the new Democratic Leader. Today, I promise you this: House Democrats will always fight for you and your family. But right now, I’m humbly asking you to fight with us. After…
  TRUMP ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 11, 2023 at 9:00 PM


iVote     We’re about to explain why we need you to confirm your 2023 Democratic Membership with iVote. We’ll be blunt: We’ve never faced anything like the threats to our democracy that we do now. That’s why we need 2,876 2023 Membership Renewals before our critical midnig…
  RESPONSE MISSING (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 10, 2023 at 2:00 PM

as of 9am:

iVote     We need your eyes on this: We just unlocked our 2023 Democratic Membership Drive -- but as of 9am, we still don't see your name. Will you confirm your Membership before our critical deadline with $15 and become one of our very FIRST 2023 Democratic Members? It's …
  Trump HUMILIATED (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 9, 2023 at 5:20 PM

NY Times just reported:

iVote     This is the most important email we’ve ever sent you. Donald Trump just announced that he’ll run for President for a third time. We need a MASSIVE Democratic fundraising response -- 1,791 gifts before midnight -- to OUTRAISE Trump, hand him an embarrassing defe…
  iVote Civic Education Fund · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 8, 2023 at 8:00 PM

the Supreme Court just announced:

iVote Civic Education Fund We need you to see this right away. The Supreme Court just took up a HORRIFYING challenge to the Voting Rights Act -- and if it succeeds, it will allow RAMPANT voter suppression from coast to coast.         We’re sorry to be emailing you on…
  Hakeem Jeffries · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 7, 2023 at 7:30 PM

I was just sworn in:

iVote As the new Democratic Leader, I want to take this moment to share what I stand for and earn your support:   I was just officially sworn in as House Democratic Leader, after 14 failed, dysfunctional attempts by Republicans to convene our Congress. Now, I’m asking yo…
  HOUSE ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 7, 2023 at 3:15 PM


iVote     We can’t believe what we just witnessed. Republicans failed 14 times to elect a Speaker. They’ve already shown they can’t be trusted to govern. This is Democrats’ moment to show the world we’re ready to lead where Republicans failed -- but we need to act right no…
  xxxxxx@gmail.com (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 6, 2023 at 2:00 PM

DESPERATELY need your help:

iVote Barack Obama broke his silence     Our former president is breaking his silence and calling on EVERY grassroots Democrat to help protect our Senate Majority and defeat every Republican who stands in our way. They know this is our chance to make Republicans pay for stan…
  Hakeem Jeffries · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 5, 2023 at 4:30 PM

RE: embarrassing chaos

iVote Republicans have now failed 6 times to elect a Speaker of the House.     Republicans have now failed 6 times to elect a Speaker of the House. This hasn’t happened in over 100 years. I’ll be blunt: Republicans are incapable of governing. And they’re putting p…
  VOTER SUPPRESSION ALERT (via iVote HQ) · info@ivoteforamerica.org
January 4, 2023 at 9:25 PM

Republicans’ sinister plan:

iVote     BREAKING: KEY BATTLEGROUND STATES “MOVING TO CHANGE ELECTION LAWS” in 2023 We need your immediate attention. Republicans just introduced SEVENTEEN voter suppression bills to destroy our voting rights in 2023. -- They’re cracking down in South Carolina. -- They’re…