50+ Messages / Page

  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
February 27, 2021 at 10:02 AM

John, this is real climate action

This is what a Green recovery looks like - and it is a direct result of having elected Greens leading the council. John,   This was a big week for climate action. Green-led City Council, Brighton & Hove, secured cross-party support for …
  Benali Hamdache · [email protected]
February 26, 2021 at 8:45 AM

We need to stump up £10,000

We're adapting to the pandemic. Hi John, We've had a really successful opening to our Crowdfunder. Green Party members and supporters have donated over £11,000 to Sian's campaign for Mayor in a week. As Campaign Manager I'm about to say yes to a direct mail camp…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
February 24, 2021 at 6:34 PM

This is what we want

Where do you want us to be when lockdown is over? Here's what we want. John,   Where do you want us to be when lockdown is over? We want:   💚Health and other key workers to be paid what they deserve   🌱Real action for the climate   🌎An economy that works for people, not pe…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
February 20, 2021 at 9:45 AM

Community resilience

Throughout this pandemic, we have seen the resilience and strength of local communities. Learn more about building resilient communities here. John,   This week, the government presented their plans to reform the NHS. But their new White Pap…
  Jonathan Bartley, Green Party · [email protected]
February 17, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Profit has no place in health care

The priority must be to restore the principle that a profit motive has no place in health care. John,   Last week, the government presented its plans to reform the NHS. Although we welcome the proposals to move away from standard competitive tendering and introduce a more …
  Naranee Ruthra-Rajan, WCL Green Party Co-Chair · [email protected]
February 16, 2021 at 12:30 PM

Will you help us bring the Green Wave to London?

A few dates for the diary to help us elect Sian Berry as our first Green London Mayor West?Central?London Dear John, The government have confirmed the elections are ON and, as Londoners, we will have the opportunity to elect London's first Green Mayor in just o…
  Sian Berry · [email protected]
February 14, 2021 at 9:45 AM

We can't let money buy this election

Your help is needed Hi John, It's been confirmed. The elections are going ahead and we're less than 90 days away from choosing who will be our next Mayor of London. You may have heard that the government has banned volunteers delivering campaign leaflets. This …
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
February 13, 2021 at 9:46 AM

Solidarity across borders

In this week's live event, we discussed access to the COVID-19 vaccine for everyone and how we can implement laws and policies that encourage vaccine solidarity, not vaccine nationalism John,   In this week's live event, we discussed access …
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
February 10, 2021 at 7:35 PM

Why do we need to invest in people?

That is how we create an economy that works for people and the planet, not a planet and people who work for the economy. John,   This weekend Sian Berry laid out the case for a Green Recovery on The Andrew Marr Show, with a clear message: ‘we need to be investing in peopl…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
February 9, 2021 at 5:01 PM

Vaccine solidarity

Join us online today to discuss why the COVID-19 vaccine should be for everyone, with laws and policies that encourage vaccine solidarity not vaccine nationalism. John,   Are you joining us for our Vaccine Solidarity live chat this evening? …
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
February 7, 2021 at 10:01 AM

For people and planet

Join us 9 Feb 6PM for a discussion on vaccine solidarity. Crises bring out the best and worst of our society and its systems. The Green Party aims to campaign for equity in access to the COVID-19 vaccine for everyone, with laws and policies that encourage …
  Benali, London Campaign Manager · [email protected]
February 5, 2021 at 9:31 AM

Almost sold out

Panel event tomorrow! London Hello John, Tickets are almost sold out for our panel event tomorrow! Join us from 7pm to hear about the Canadian Green Wave. Canadian Green leaders Elizabeth and Annamie will be in conversation with our co-leader Sian Berry. Get in…
  Jonathan Bartley, Green Party · [email protected]
February 4, 2021 at 7:33 PM

Fwd: 2021: climate action

Despite the government making a declaration, they have done little to put their money where their mouth is. Investing in airport expansions and road building which only exacerbates the issues we face. John, Last week, we shared the work Greens are doing to take action o…
  Sian Berry · [email protected]
February 3, 2021 at 2:40 PM

A living wage - now!

£14 an hour /> Hello John, For millions of Londoners, work simply doesn’t pay. Many of our key workers are trapped in poverty pay. Struggling to get by and cover basic necessities. As Mayor I would set the living wage at £14. Sign our petition to end poverty p…
  Naranee Ruthra-Rajan, WCL Green Party Co-Chair · [email protected]
February 2, 2021 at 8:00 AM

Feb 2021 - Meet a London Green councillor

Join us to hear from Caroline Russell about her experience of being a councillor West Central London Dear John, Exciting news about our February meeting. Monday 22nd February 2021, 7pm - Monthly Meeting I'm emailing as we needed to change the date of our Feb…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
February 1, 2021 at 4:34 PM

John, what's next?

Join us online today at 6PM to discuss the next steps for our climate emergency declarations! John,   Join us today at 6PM on zoom for a discussion on how the 'Climate Emergency' declarations came to be, followed by news from the Party's Act…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
January 31, 2021 at 1:00 PM

Building a just demoracy

This week, the government decided that volunteers aren't allowed to deliver leaflets. Here you'll find this week's roundup of the actions we can all take together to protect our democracy. John,   This week, the government decided that volun…
  Benali, London Campaign Manager · [email protected]
January 29, 2021 at 9:00 AM

The Canadians are winning

Get inspired by 3 brilliant women! London Hello John, All over the world the Green movement is growing and that's particularly true in Canada Join us on Saturday 6th February from 7pm to hear about the Canadian Green Wave. Hear from Canadian Green leaders Eliz…
  Communications Team, The Green Party · [email protected]
January 27, 2021 at 8:43 PM

We're back on TV tomorrow evening

Our new Party Political Broadcast launches tomorrow John,   Who will we be on the other side of this pandemic? How will we build a society that actually works for both people and planet?   ‘One thing the pandemic has given us, is a chance to see who’s reall…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
January 24, 2021 at 9:30 AM

Catch our work on the ground

Learn more about what we are doing on the ground by watching our PPB Thursday 28 January on ITV at 6.25pm and BBC at 6.55pm. Good evening John,   With COP26 and the G7 Summit on the horizon, it is time to push for real, urgent action on the…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
January 22, 2021 at 7:17 PM

2021: climate action

This is a big year for climate action. No more empty promises or stand alone proposals - you can't promise climate action and then put billions into road building. John,   This is a big year for climate action. With COP26 and the G7 Summit on the horizon, it is time to pu…
  Benali, London Campaign Manager · [email protected]
January 18, 2021 at 4:31 PM

Canadian Greens are winning!

Will you join us? London Hello John, We've organised a panel with the party and parliamentary leaders of the Canadian Greens! Can you join us on Saturday 6th February from 7pm? Buy your ticket Elizabeth and Annamie are two inspirational women who are l…
  Naranee Ruthra-Rajan, WCL Green Party Co-Chair · [email protected]
January 18, 2021 at 12:33 PM

Green Investing - Thu 21st Jan

Join us to find out more about Green Investing at 6pm on Thu 21st Jan. West Central London Dear John, Hope you've had a good start to the year despite lockdown. I'm emailing with a quick reminder about our event this Thursday and with the date for our February …
  Care workers like me deserve better · [email protected]
January 15, 2021 at 11:21 AM

Will you support me & other care workers

Can you help? London London Green Party are backing care workers striking for fair pay - please do support Hello John, I am Bile, a care worker at Sage nursing home in North London, and tomorrow I and my colleagues will take strike action for the first time. No…
  Communications Team, The Green Party · [email protected]
January 9, 2021 at 12:18 PM

RE: Sign the Petition Now - Frontline Workers Still Need Our Support

All Frontline Workers Are Vulnerable - They Still Need Our Support John   All Frontline Workers Are Vulnerable - They Still Need Our Support   We noticed that you opened our previous email (below) but that you haven't signed the petition yet.   Can you sign it today and he…
  Communications Team, The Green Party · [email protected]
January 7, 2021 at 8:11 PM

Sign the Petition Now - Frontline Workers Need Our Support

All Frontline Workers Are Vulnerable - They Need Our Support John,   Sign our petition calling on the government to prioritise all frontline workers for vaccination.     Frontline workers are at the heart of the nation’s fight against the pandemic but so fa…
  Naranee Ruthra-Rajan, WCL Green Party Co-Chair · [email protected]
January 2, 2021 at 11:15 AM

WCL Greens - 11th January monthly meeting

Join us on 11th January to find out about candidate selection for May 2022 West Central London Dear John, Happy New Year! We hope you had time for a good break over the Christmas holidays and had time (virtually or in person) with family and friends. 2020 was …
  Development Team, The Green Party · [email protected]
January 1, 2021 at 5:01 PM

Let's Choose Something Better for 2021

Let's Choose Democracy, Inclusion and Collaboration in 2021 John,   2020 has been a dark and challenging year, but there is light at the end of the tunnel.   Our co-leaders Sian Berry and Jonathan Bartley look forward to 2021 with hope. …
  Membership Team · [email protected]
December 31, 2020 at 10:30 AM

Join us as a Friend of the Green Party

You've seen the End of Year Summary, now join us as a Friend. John, You've seen our End of Year Summary and the fantastic work of the Green Party across England and Wales during 2020. But we know we can achieve so much more because Better is Possible. …
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
December 28, 2020 at 1:15 PM

Remembering 2020

Whilst we remember 2020, we can make real change happen in 2021 Dear John,   In a year marked by a pandemic that has highlighted social and economic vulnerabilities and inequalities far greater than we could have imagined, we have never seen…
  The Green Party · [email protected]
December 24, 2020 at 3:22 PM

A statement on Brexit

We won’t lose our values, Brexit only makes them stronger John,   At the 11th hour a Brexit deal has been agreed and that at least brings some certainty for our businesses ahead of the New Year. But our economy and our society will be poorer because of our d…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
December 20, 2020 at 6:09 PM

2021: real climate action

With bumper elections awaiting the Green Party next year, we have a chance for change - and for the better. Good evening John,   With bumper elections awaiting us next year, we have a chance to change course and for the better. Below you'll …
  Benali, London Green Party · [email protected]
December 13, 2020 at 11:59 AM

Greens are winning worldwide

Our special panel is tonight London Hello John, Tonight Sian Berry is hosting a panel of elected Green Mayors from across the world. Can you join us? You'll hear from: Uwe Schneidewind - German Green Mayor of Wuppertal Gabrielle De Vietri - Australian Green …
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
December 13, 2020 at 11:30 AM

Real action on climate change

Here's more about how we will keep pushing for real action on climate change together John,   This weekend marks the 5 year anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement, a significant moment that should have been a turning point for regenerati…
  Zack Polanski · [email protected]
December 12, 2020 at 9:14 AM

Can you help us campaign for Sian Berry as London mayor?

Join us on 19th December West Central London Good Morning John, Hope you've had a good week. I'm emailing with a quick reminder about: Mon 14th Dec Monthly Meeting - sign up here - it will be a chance to see the new website and feedback on it before it goes li…
  Jonathan Bartley, Green Party · [email protected]
December 11, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Net zero: time is running out

We need tangible plans and meaningful action across every single sector, including housing, transport and agriculture. The government doesn’t have them, but we do. John,   This weekend marks the 5 year anniversary of the Paris Climate Agreement, a significan…
  Benali, London Green Party · [email protected]
December 9, 2020 at 9:40 AM

Tickets are selling out

Mayors from around the world London Hello John, Tickets are selling out for our panel of elected Green Mayors this Sunday. Can you join us? From 7:30pm until 8:45pm you'll hear Sian interview elected Green Mayors from all over the world. Get inspired by the gl…
  Zack Polanski, WCL Green Party & London Assembly Candidate · [email protected]
December 6, 2020 at 2:24 PM

Can you help us campaign for Sian Berry as London mayor?

Join us on 19th December West Central London Dear John, With your help these past months, the We­st Central London Gr­een Party managed to deliver a record number of leaflets with more volunteers than have ever helped before. Thank you! In our final push for …
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
December 6, 2020 at 10:30 AM

Latest news from the Green Party

Here's more about how we will keep pushing for life on the other side of this pandemic to be better than what we had before! John,   As many of us ease out of lockdown and we adjust to new and changing regulations across England and Wales, i…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
December 4, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Our strong Green movement

As many of us ease out of lockdown and we adjust to new and changing regulations across England and Wales, it’s a good time to remember we’re all in this together. John,   As many of us ease out of lockdown and we adjust to new and changing regulations acros…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
November 29, 2020 at 10:00 AM

Systems change comes from thinking differently

The Chancellor's autumn spending review was the government's chance to set things on a more positive course. Instead they plunged more cash into an economic system that does not work for people and planet. Here's more about how we can make systems change …
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
November 27, 2020 at 7:41 PM

Any spending review should kick-start a Green New Deal

Did you catch the Chancellor's autumn spending review? We did, and here's our take on it. John,   Did you catch the Chancellor's autumn spending review? We did, and here's our take on it.   ❌ No support for local governments, failing to recognise the impor…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
November 22, 2020 at 10:30 AM

A 10-point plan that doesn't work

We have been putting the Prime Minister's 10-point plan for net zero to the test this week. Spoiler alert: it promises much, delivers little and won't get us to net zero fast enough. Here's more about our 5 tests for the government's plan and how we can w Jo…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
November 19, 2020 at 7:31 PM

Fwd: Next year: systems change

We have been putting the Prime Minister's 10-point plan for net zero to the test this week. Spoiler alert: it promises much, delivers little and won't get us to net zero fast enough. John, We have been putting the Prime Minister's 10-point plan for net zero to the test …
  Green Party Events · [email protected]
November 18, 2020 at 7:00 PM

Live with Caroline Lucas, Jane Davidson & Lord John Bird

Tomorrow, Thursday 19 November 12:30-13:30 GMT we'll address these questions and more in conversation with Caroline Lucas MP, Lord John Bird, Life Peer & Social Entrepreneur & Jane Davidson, Environmental Activist and Author of #FutureGen. Are you coming? John,  …
  Zack Polanski · [email protected]
November 16, 2020 at 12:17 PM

Can you help us campaign for Sian Berry as London mayor?

Green Party Dear John With your amazing help on the 24th of October, the West Central London Green Party managed to deliver over 13,000 leaflets across three separate boroughs! This was an incredible feat and showed just how much we can achieve together as a local party to elect Sian…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
November 15, 2020 at 11:46 AM

Future Generations Act: how is it changing society in Wales and what can we learn from it in England?

19 November 12:30-13:30 GMT we'll address these questions and more in conversation with Caroline Lucas MP, Lord John Bird, Life Peer & Social Entrepreneur & Jane Davidson, Environmental Activist and Author of #FutureGen. Are you coming? John,   'What Wales is do…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
November 13, 2020 at 6:15 PM

2021: no more business as usual

We often say that we have the plans and solutions to make England and Wales fairer and Greener. But what do we mean by that? John,   We often say that we have the plans and solutions to make England and Wales fairer and Greener. But what do we mean by that?…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
November 8, 2020 at 10:31 AM

We come together

We will continue to work to make our country Greener and fairer. Here's more about how we can work for a Green and equitable world together. John,   While we are on the brink of another tough period for our country and uncertainty moves the world, we take co…
  Green Party of England and Wales · [email protected]
November 6, 2020 at 8:07 PM

Unity over division

Over this past year, time and time again, communities have come together to stand up for what matters. We will continue to work to make our country Greener and fairer. John,   While we are on the brink of another tough period for our country and uncertainty …