How To Get Your Inner Critic To Cram It
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Feb. 7, 2023
If your child, spouse, or close friend told you they were struggling with something, how would you respond? Odds are, you’d take the time to listen and find a way to show you care. Compassion ([link removed]) , or the concern for other people’s misfortune, is an important part of any relationship — and if you’re close with someone, it’s fairly easy to do. So why does it feel so counterintuitive to show that same compassion to yourself when you’ve made a mistake ([link removed]) ? One reason: The expectation that you need to “tough it out” or just work harder when things are difficult. Such messages make it difficult to acknowledge when you’re struggling with something — and even more difficult to take care of yourself.
Here’s how to change the dialogue. ([link removed])
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Always Too Hard On Yourself? Try These 5 Exercises ([link removed])
It can feel counterintuitive to show yourself the same compassion you show others. But it's vital to learn how to extend yourself some grace. ([link removed])
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Remembering the compassion we feel toward others can give us a roadmap to feeling that same understanding and care toward ourselves.
How To Get Your Inner Critic To Cram It ([link removed])
Overthinking Everything? These Strategies Can Help ([link removed])
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OLLY Fitness Gummies Are New School Fitness Fuel ([link removed])
For many dads, gym time is a dose of me-time that doesn’t come around very often. So why not make those few-and-far-between training sessions work overtime? When you add OLLY supplements to your routine, you get deliciously fruity, fuss-free gummies that boost energy production, help your body bounce back, and leave old fashioned fitness supplements in the dust.
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Pre-Game Energize Gummy Rings ([link removed])
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Post-Game Recovery Gummy Rings ([link removed])
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Muscle Recovery Sleep ([link removed])
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Active Immunity Berry Brave ([link removed])
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55 Sincerely Small Ways To Be More Fit ([link removed])
Incremental progress is indeed progress, and these small additions to your normal routine can have a big impact. ([link removed])
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Want To Really Kick That Bad Habit? Grieve For It. ([link removed])
One of the more under-looked aspects of changing for the better is mourning what you’re trying to leave behind. ([link removed])
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The 7 Big Benefits Of Rough-And-Tumble Play With Your Kids ([link removed])
They're going to have to get smart to take you down. Literally ([link removed]) .
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Is Sitting On A Toilet For Too Long Bad For Your Health? ([link removed])
Hanging out on the toilet is cool, as long as it’s not all sweating and pushing. ([link removed])
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Want a Happier Marriage? Look For Opportunities to Fight. Seriously. ([link removed])
Conflict in relationships is inevitable. It’s also necessary. The only way to get better at it is to practice. ([link removed])
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