Fight for $15
I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of watching politicians side with wealthy corporations while I can't afford food for my kids and my mother.
I'm in this fight for my family -- and for my life. And I've seen what we can do when we organize: our movement has won billions of dollars in pay for millions of workers over the years. And we're not done.
We can't always do it alone: we have to elect folks who support US -- not corporations -- and then we have to hold them accountable.
That's why I'm making a plan to vote for the election on November 8th. Don't know where to vote? Find your nearest polling place and get more information about voting >> [link removed]
Look Up Your Polling Place: [link removed]
Just look at California: we organized, we fought, and we went on strike until they passed the FAST Act, which will give us a seat at the table, improve benefits and raise workers' pay.
We can do this again -- across the country -- and we will.
When we come together, workers will win. And we'll always hold politicians accountable -- even the ones we've voted for.
See you next week at the ballot box. After that, I'll see you on the streets: [link removed]
In solidarity,
Monique Jamison
Raising Canes Worker
St. Louis, MO
Fight for $15 and a Union
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