I don't know about you, but I'm sick and tired of watching politicians side with wealthy corporations while I can't afford food for my kids and my mother.
I'm in this fight for my family – and for my life. And I've seen what we can do when we organize: our movement has won billions of dollars in pay for millions of workers over the years. And we're not done.
We have to elect folks who support US – not corporations – and then we have to hold them accountable.
That's why I'm making a plan to vote for the election on November 8th. Don't know where to vote? Find your nearest polling place and get more information about voting >>
Just look at California: we organized, we fought, and we went on strike until they passed the FAST Act, which will give us a seat at the table, improve benefits and raise workers' pay.
We can do this again – across the country – and we will.
When we come together, workers will win. And we'll always hold politicians accountable – even the ones we've voted for.
See you next week at the ballot box. After that, I'll see you on the streets.
In solidarity,
Monique Jamison
Raising Canes Worker
St. Louis, MO
Fight for $15 and a Union