From VDARE Editors <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin and Taki speak up for! etc. (52 items)
Date December 31, 2019 10:03 PM
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[Ann Coulter]([link removed]), [Michelle Malkin]([link removed]) and [Taki of]([link removed]) speak up in support of VDARE’s Year End Appeal (52 items, 12/30/2019)

Time is running out for 2019! Help fund for 2020, and [make a tax-deductible donation]([link removed]) today!

Our sincere thanks to everyone who has helped us get this far!

Now for the top five...

Leading us this week: [NYPD Is on Alert for Right-Wing White Extremists, Like the Proud Boys and Anti-Semite David. N. Anderson of the Jersey City Kosher Supermarket Slaughter]([link removed]). This is catching more eyes because the most-recent [Hanukkah stabbing suspect]([link removed]) is obviously a member of the Duke lacrosse team.

In second, and making its second appearance, is Pat Buchanan’s [Today France, Tomorrow the USA?]([link removed])

Then in third, Ann Coulter wishes you a [Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI!,]([link removed]) which is “celebrated exclusively by idiot white liberals.” But really, “Merry Christmas, fellow Christians!”

Next, “Not in my backyard” becomes “Yes, in your backyard” in our fourth place article: [Non-White Democrats in Virginia Seek to Outlaw White Flight and Creation of White Suburbs]([link removed]) by Paul Kersey.

Bookending the top five is [Steve Sailer on Jewish Genius]([link removed]). “You can’t really understand how the world works without being cognizant of these data.”

Featured Articles

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

[EXCLUSIVE Ann Coulter: "It's Stunning How Many People Read VDARE.Com!"]([link removed])

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

[EXCLUSIVE! Michelle Malkin: Is “One Of The Most Consequential Websites On The Internet”]([link removed])

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Lance Welton

[Will Psychopaths Be “Always With Us”?]([link removed])

Friday December 27, 2019

Author Allan Wall

[SAID IN SPANISH: A White Balthazar?; Eiza Gonzalez—Another Moaning Mexican Movie Actress; Latin American White Supremacists Condemn American “White Nationalism”; ETC. [FIVE ITEMS]]([link removed])

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

[Taki: VDARE.Com Is The Only Place Sticking Up For America—“Take It From Me, I Know!”]([link removed])

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Peter Brimelow

[Brimelow Remembers Tanton: “A Citizen Who Took Up Arms For His Country”]([link removed])

Wednesday December 25, 2019

Author Peter Brimelow

[December 26: If Mexican Immigrants Can Demand Cinco De Mayo, Why Can’t British (And Canadian, Etc.) Immigrants Demand Boxing Day?]([link removed])

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

[Merry Christmas To All!]([link removed])

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

[Michelle Malkin: Jill Biden, Meet Cpl. Ronil Singh and Deputy Brian Ishmael]([link removed])

Monday December 23, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Yes, Virginia (Dare), There Is A War On Christmas—Here’s Twenty Years Of Proof!]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER ARTICLES]([link removed])

Blog Posts

Monday December 30, 2019

Author James Fulford

[White Parishioner In White Settlement, TX Kills White Gunman In Hoodie With One Shot]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Memoryholed: Bret Stephens's IQ Article]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Automation: Retail Robots Are Coming at Every Level]([link removed])

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Germans Flee Diversity To Live In Monocultural Hungary]([link removed])

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author James Fulford

[NYT Memory-Holes Scientific Evidence In Bret Stephens's Column Because Henry Harpending (Deceased) Was Called Racist By The SPLC]([link removed])

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Federale

[Stephen Miller, The Bureaucrats Are Lying To You!]([link removed])

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[What's Causing the New Segregation Crisis in America's Public Schools? A Shortage Of White Kids To Bus!]([link removed])

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[GUARDIAN On Bret Stephens: "NYT Columnist Accused of Eugenics Over Piece on Jewish Intelligence"]([link removed])

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author James Fulford

[AP Article On "Mass Killings" Includes Disgruntled Minority Massacres, Immigrant Mass Murders, Doesn't Say So]([link removed])

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Booze and the Muse: Why Were Great American Writers So Often Drunks?]([link removed])

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Allan Wall

[Final Issue of SOCIAL CONTRACT JOURNAL Online, With 7 VDARE.COM Writers]([link removed])

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Paul Kersey

[Pew Research Center Confirms the Great Replacement Is Happening: K-12 Public School Enrollment in USA Was 65% White in 1995; in 2018, Down to 48% White]([link removed])

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Fifth Straight Year of Massive Murders in Baltimore Since 4/2015 BLM Riot]([link removed])

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Bret Stephens In The NYT: "The Secrets of Jewish Genius"]([link removed])

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Philip Ball In The GUARDIAN: I Read Angela Saini's SUPERIOR and the Scales Fell from My Eyes]([link removed])

Friday December 27, 2019

Author James Fulford

[The Trump Administration Vs. The War On Christmas In Missouri]([link removed])

Friday December 27, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[Radio Derb Transcript Up For December 20: (Slowly) Building The Wall, Scofflaw States Ignore Feds, And Liberating Liberians, Etc.]([link removed])

Friday December 27, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Spaxit? EU Court's Ruling Could Backfire On Brussels.]([link removed])

Friday December 27, 2019

Author James Fulford

[The ECONOMIST Joins The War On Christmas In America, While Denying It Exists.]([link removed])

Friday December 27, 2019

Author Paul Kersey

[Non-White Democrats in Virginia Seek to Outlaw White Flight and Creation of White Suburbs]([link removed])

Friday December 27, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Arizona Border Success Shows The Federal Government CAN Do Its Job... When It Wants To]([link removed])

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Controlled Opposition—GOP Governors Determined To Import "Refugees"]([link removed])

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Audacious Epigone

[Audacious Epigone: Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas by State]([link removed])

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[That Polish Carol]([link removed])

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[How Long Ago Was the Most Recent Common Ancestor of All Living Humans?]([link removed])

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Border Trash Remains a Terrible Problem, Yet Gets Little Attention]([link removed])

Wednesday December 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Who Is the Emmett Till for Asian-American Complainers?]([link removed])

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author A.W. Morgan

[Libertarian Party Doesn't Realize The Immigration Is Just Another Government Program]([link removed])

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Paul Kersey

[New York Set to Free Thousands from Jail Because Primarily Non-White Criminals Can't Pay Cash Bail]([link removed])

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Fear Of A White Planet]([link removed])

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Peter Brimelow

[ Editor Peter Brimelow Has His Hands Full And Wishes Everyone A Merry Christmas Right Now]([link removed])

Monday December 23, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Immigration Has Consequences: Will Conservatism Inc. Be Held Accountable?]([link removed])

Monday December 23, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Whitney Cummings And Instapundit On The War On Christmas: "It’s Oikophobia, Straight Up."]([link removed])

Monday December 23, 2019

Author Virginia Dare

[Give The VDARE Quarterly For Christmas!]([link removed])

Monday December 23, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

[Thank You! Matching Challenge Met! Only $80,000 To Go!]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER POSTS]([link removed])


Friday December 27, 2019

Author Reader

[A Reader Gets Wished Merry Christmas By A Non-White Non-Nationalist]([link removed])

Friday December 27, 2019

Author Reader

[A Patriot Attorney Has Advice For McConnell On Impeachment: Tell Nancy To Fish Or Cut Bait]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER LETTERS]([link removed])

Radio Derb

Friday December 27, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[Federal Spending, Elites Vs. Voters, Anti-Hate Hysteria, And Rewarding Tessa Majors’ Killers, Etc]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER RADIOS]([link removed])

Syndicated Columns

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: Is 'Little Rocket Man' Winning?]([link removed])

Wednesday December 25, 2019

Author Ann Coulter

[Ann Coulter: Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI]([link removed])

Monday December 23, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: Today France, Tomorrow the USA?]([link removed])


Author James Kirkpatrick

[Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right]([link removed])

Author Lawrence Auster

[Our Borders, Ourselves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism]([link removed])

Author Michelle Malkin

[Open Borders Inc.]([link removed])

Author Peter Brimelow

[Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster]([link removed])

Author Samuel Huntington

[Who Are We?: The Challenges to America's National Identity]([link removed])

Author Byron M. Roth

[The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER BOOKS]([link removed])

Click [here]([link removed]) to order the VDARE QUARTERLY, a print journal featuring the best material from our webzine

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