Ann CoulterMichelle Malkin and Taki of TakiMag.com speak up in support of VDARE’s Year End Appeal (52 items, 12/30/2019)

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Our sincere thanks to everyone who has helped us get this far!


Now for the top five...

Leading us this week: NYPD Is on Alert for Right-Wing White Extremists, Like the Proud Boys and Anti-Semite David. N. Anderson of the Jersey City Kosher Supermarket Slaughter. This is catching more eyes because the most-recent Hanukkah stabbing suspect is obviously a member of the Duke lacrosse team.

In second, and making its second appearance, is Pat Buchanan’s Today France, Tomorrow the USA?

Then in third, Ann Coulter wishes you a Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI!, which is “celebrated exclusively by idiot white liberals.” But really, “Merry Christmas, fellow Christians!”

Next, “Not in my backyard” becomes “Yes, in your backyard” in our fourth place article: Non-White Democrats in Virginia Seek to Outlaw White Flight and Creation of White Suburbs by Paul Kersey.

Bookending the top five is Steve Sailer on Jewish Genius. “You can’t really understand how the world works without being cognizant of these data.”

Featured Articles

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

EXCLUSIVE Ann Coulter: "It's Stunning How Many People Read VDARE.Com!"

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

EXCLUSIVE! Michelle Malkin: VDARE.com Is “One Of The Most Consequential Websites On The Internet”

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Lance Welton

Will Psychopaths Be “Always With Us”?

Friday December 27, 2019

Author Allan Wall

SAID IN SPANISH: A White Balthazar?; Eiza Gonzalez—Another Moaning Mexican Movie Actress; Latin American White Supremacists Condemn American “White Nationalism”; ETC. [FIVE ITEMS]

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

Taki: VDARE.Com Is The Only Place Sticking Up For America—“Take It From Me, I Know!”

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Peter Brimelow

Brimelow Remembers Tanton: “A Citizen Who Took Up Arms For His Country”

Wednesday December 25, 2019

Author Peter Brimelow

December 26: If Mexican Immigrants Can Demand Cinco De Mayo, Why Can’t British (And Canadian, Etc.) Immigrants Demand Boxing Day?

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

Merry Christmas To All!

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Jill Biden, Meet Cpl. Ronil Singh and Deputy Brian Ishmael

Monday December 23, 2019

Author James Fulford

Yes, Virginia (Dare), There Is A War On Christmas—Here’s Twenty Years Of Proof!

Blog Posts

Monday December 30, 2019

Author James Fulford

White Parishioner In White Settlement, TX Kills White Gunman In Hoodie With One Shot

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Memoryholed: Bret Stephens's IQ Article

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Automation: Retail Robots Are Coming at Every Level

Monday December 30, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Germans Flee Diversity To Live In Monocultural Hungary

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author James Fulford

NYT Memory-Holes Scientific Evidence In Bret Stephens's Column Because Henry Harpending (Deceased) Was Called Racist By The SPLC

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Federale

Stephen Miller, The Bureaucrats Are Lying To You!

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

What's Causing the New Segregation Crisis in America's Public Schools? A Shortage Of White Kids To Bus!

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

GUARDIAN On Bret Stephens: "NYT Columnist Accused of Eugenics Over Piece on Jewish Intelligence"

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author James Fulford

AP Article On "Mass Killings" Includes Disgruntled Minority Massacres, Immigrant Mass Murders, Doesn't Say So

Sunday December 29, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Booze and the Muse: Why Were Great American Writers So Often Drunks?

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Allan Wall

Final Issue of SOCIAL CONTRACT JOURNAL Online, With 7 VDARE.COM Writers

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Paul Kersey

Pew Research Center Confirms the Great Replacement Is Happening: K-12 Public School Enrollment in USA Was 65% White in 1995; in 2018, Down to 48% White

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Fifth Straight Year of Massive Murders in Baltimore Since 4/2015 BLM Riot

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Bret Stephens In The NYT: "The Secrets of Jewish Genius"

Saturday December 28, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Philip Ball In The GUARDIAN: I Read Angela Saini's SUPERIOR and the Scales Fell from My Eyes

Friday December 27, 2019

Author James Fulford

The Trump Administration Vs. The War On Christmas In Missouri

Friday December 27, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

Radio Derb Transcript Up For December 20: (Slowly) Building The Wall, Scofflaw States Ignore Feds, And Liberating Liberians, Etc.

Friday December 27, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

Spaxit? EU Court's Ruling Could Backfire On Brussels.

Friday December 27, 2019

Author James Fulford

The ECONOMIST Joins The War On Christmas In America, While Denying It Exists.

Friday December 27, 2019

Author Paul Kersey

Non-White Democrats in Virginia Seek to Outlaw White Flight and Creation of White Suburbs

Friday December 27, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

Arizona Border Success Shows The Federal Government CAN Do Its Job... When It Wants To

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

Controlled Opposition—GOP Governors Determined To Import "Refugees"

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Audacious Epigone

Audacious Epigone: Happy Holidays/Merry Christmas by State

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

That Polish Carol

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

How Long Ago Was the Most Recent Common Ancestor of All Living Humans?

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Border Trash Remains a Terrible Problem, Yet Gets Little Attention

Wednesday December 25, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Who Is the Emmett Till for Asian-American Complainers?

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author A.W. Morgan

Libertarian Party Doesn't Realize The Immigration Is Just Another Government Program

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Paul Kersey

New York Set to Free Thousands from Jail Because Primarily Non-White Criminals Can't Pay Cash Bail

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Fear Of A White Planet

Tuesday December 24, 2019

Author Peter Brimelow

VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow Has His Hands Full And Wishes Everyone A Merry Christmas Right Now

Monday December 23, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

Immigration Has Consequences: Will Conservatism Inc. Be Held Accountable?

Monday December 23, 2019

Author James Fulford

Whitney Cummings And Instapundit On The War On Christmas: "It’s Oikophobia, Straight Up."

Monday December 23, 2019

Author Virginia Dare

Give The VDARE Quarterly For Christmas!

Monday December 23, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

Thank You! Matching Challenge Met! Only $80,000 To Go!


Radio Derb

Syndicated Columns

Thursday December 26, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Is 'Little Rocket Man' Winning?

Wednesday December 25, 2019

Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI

Monday December 23, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Today France, Tomorrow the USA?


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