From VDARE Editors <[email protected]>
Subject BULLETIN: GOOD NEWS! Immigrant Workforce Falls for Third Straight Month! etc. (57 items)
Date December 12, 2019 12:42 AM
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[UPDATE! Only $145,000 Left to Go! Help Us Raise $200,000 To Fund High-Impact, America First Journalism In 2020]([link removed]) [In case you missed it, watch our #GivingTuesday Livestream with Peter Brimelow, John Derbyshire, and Faith Goldy [here!]([link removed])]

[“GOOD NEWS! Immigrant Workforce Falls For Third Straight Month!”;]([link removed]) [“D’Abrosca On Tucker Carlson: Is Immigration Moratorium Concept Finally Breaking Through?”;]([link removed]) etc. (57 items, 12/10/2019)

Most popular this week is Ann Coulter’s [Are FACTS White Nationalist]([link removed])? Brush up on your facts with Ms. Coulter as she comments on “[a recent study]([link removed]) by Georgetown University (probably White Nationalist), funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (presumed hate group).”

Anonymous Attorney takes second place! He blogs: [Much Ballyhooed “First Female Muslim Rep” in PA Now Facing Criminal Charges]([link removed]). As a reader, you are probably [not surprised]([link removed]).

Speaking of minority crime rates, Steve Sailer is in third with: [London Bridge Victims’ Professors Now Getting Some Unwanted Attention.]([link removed]) It’s hard to forget the [Narwhal Tusk Wielding Hero]([link removed]) who defeated the London Bridge Terrorist. But how quickly will the MSM memoryhole this one?

In Fourth: [Muhammad Makes List Of Top 10 Baby Names in the U.S. for First Time]([link removed]). Be assured, according to the MSM, [The Great Replacement is just a conspiracy theory]([link removed]) and you should be comforted by the stock photo of a [white baby]([link removed]) that accompanies the SF Gate article.

And finally, rounding out the top five is [Derb’s November Diary]([link removed]). It’s because of the new [puppy pictures]([link removed]), isn’t it?

Featured Articles

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Edwin S. Rubenstein

[National Data | Immigrant Workforce Falls For Third Straight Month! Is Trump’s “Invisible Wall” Working?]([link removed])

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[John Derbyshire: Cuckmongers Hall And The London Bridge Massacre—I Don’t Want U.S. To End Up Like this]([link removed])

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Lance Welton

[Women In Universities (IU’s Provost Lauren Robel, Dean Idie Kesner) Show Why Women In Universities Are Not A Good Thing]([link removed])

Friday December 06, 2019

Author Scot Olmstead

[Eatwell and Goodwin’s NATIONAL POPULISM—The Revolt Is Real, And Reasonable]([link removed])

Thursday December 05, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Yes, “Scoot,” There Is A War On Christmas. In Fact, We’re Using You To Start Our 2019 War On Christmas Competition!]([link removed])

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Ann Coulter

[Ann Coulter: Are FACTS White Nationalist?]([link removed])

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

[Michelle Malkin: Citizen Revolt—Resist Refugee Resettlement Dumps]([link removed])

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

[Don’t Buy The Elise Stefanik Hype—She’s An Immigration Booster (And A Buttigieg Buddy)]([link removed])

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Allan Wall

[SAID IN SPANISH: Professional Hispanic Activists Condemn Joe Biden—But Grassroots Hispanics Haven’t Got The Message]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER ARTICLES]([link removed])

Blog Posts

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

[Help Us Raise $200,000 To Fund High-Impact, America First Journalism In 2020.]([link removed])

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

[Matt Gaetz Continues To Impress On Impeachment, Saudis]([link removed])

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Pensacola Attack Is Yet Another Failure of Foreigner Military Training in America]([link removed])

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Record Number of African Migrants at U.S.-Mexico Border]([link removed])

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[The Gender Gap in Swimming]([link removed])

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Retconning Art To Eliminate Men]([link removed])

Monday December 09, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[New Contender For Hottest Female National Leader So Far This Century?]([link removed])

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Paul Nachman

[Of COURSE Demography Is Destiny. And Some On The Left Recognize It's A WEAPON]([link removed])

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Chanda Prescod-Weinstein's Magnum Opus: "Making Black Women Scientists Under White Empiricism: the Racialization of Epistemology in Physics"]([link removed])

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Sam Francis Predicted It All: Offering Money To Kill ICE Officers To Be Murdered Is Free Speech]([link removed])

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Hospital Rapist: Nigerian Psychiatric Technician Charged With Rape Of Two Mental Patients, One Of Whom Was Unconscious]([link removed])

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author Allan Wall

[Videos From Social Contract Writers' Workshop Now Online]([link removed])

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author Anonymous Attorney

[FROZEN II Gets Woke, Anonymous Attorney Falls Asleep (With Spoilers)]([link removed])

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author A.W. Morgan

[MSM “Babies Named Mohammed” Stories Illustrated With Pictures Of White Infants]([link removed])

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Amy Harmon in NYT: Science Proves the Race Glass Isn't Part Full. Instead, the Concept of Race Is ... Part Empty!]([link removed])

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Peter Brimelow

[D’Abrosca On Tucker Carlson: Is Immigration Moratorium Concept Finally Breaking Through?]([link removed])

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Pete Buttigieg's "Holiday in Somalia" Sounds Better Than the Dead Kennedys' "Holiday in Cambodia," But Still ...]([link removed])

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Elizabeth Warren Apologizes For Affirmative Action Fraud...Without Admitting To It]([link removed])

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Immigrant Mass Murder by Pensacola Arab Gunman: Maybe the Saudis Aren't Really Our Best Friends Forever?]([link removed])

Friday December 06, 2019

Author James Fulford

[NYT: Sources Say Pensacola Gunman Was Saudi “National”—Or Immigrant, As In “Immigrant Mass Murder”]([link removed])

Friday December 06, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Rare MSM Hate Hoax Mention: Gay Organist Wrote "Heil Trump" On His Own Church]([link removed])

Friday December 06, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Disgruntled Minority Massacre(s)? New Shooting At NAS Pensacola, As Navy STILL Hasn’t Revealed Name Of (Hispanic) Pearl Harbor Shooter]([link removed])

Thursday December 05, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[MS-13 Waiting For New Central American Immigrants In Northern Virginia]([link removed])

Thursday December 05, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[The Japanese WWII Philosophy: Fuel Is Expensive, Life Is Cheap]([link removed])

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

["Muhammad Makes List of Top 10 Baby Names in the U.S. for First Time"]([link removed])

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Paul Nachman

[Paul Nachman DAILY INTERLAKE Op-Ed: Opening Montana’s Door To Syrian Refugees Is Huge Problem]([link removed])

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[Sailer Review of "Midway" In TakiMag]([link removed])

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Anonymous Attorney

[Much Ballyhooed "First Female Muslim Rep" in PA Now Facing Criminal Charges]([link removed])

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

[Mexican Cartel Drug Spotters on Border Are Sentenced]([link removed])

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

[Amazing Fundraising Kickoff on #GivingTuesday 2019 Broke’s Record for 24-Hour Giving!]([link removed])

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author Allan Wall

[In Florida, Guatemalan Child Raped by Fellow Guatemalan Who May Never Be Apprehended by Florida Police]([link removed])

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author Virginia Dare

[Giving Tuesday Open House: 8PM Eastern with Special Guest Faith Goldy]([link removed])

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author James Fulford

[North Dakota: Cass County Caves to Lutheran Refugee Contractor; Votes for More Refugees]([link removed])

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Stacy McCain: "Saving Stephen Miller"]([link removed])

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

[Should Immigration Patriots Be Worried About The Bizarre Georgia Senate Appointment?]([link removed])

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[A Public School That Is 47% White Is Denounced as "Segregated"]([link removed])

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[London Bridge Victims' Professors Now Getting Some Unwanted Attention]([link removed])

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

[The Public School District Cycle of Life]([link removed])

Monday December 02, 2019

Author James Fulford

[Bob Weissberg Review Of Cyber Monday Deal WHO ARE WE?: "The Perils of Keeping America America"]([link removed])

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Virginia Dare

['s Cyber Monday Deal: Who Are We? 50% Off!]([link removed])

Monday December 02, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

[Tories Reveal Stronger Immigration Platform Ahead Of Election]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER POSTS]([link removed])


Monday December 09, 2019

Author Reader

[A Reader Has Eyewitness Reports Of McDonald’s Busing Workers From Mexico]([link removed])

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Reader

[A Patriot Lawyer Says That The Immigrant Juror Won't Create A Precedent]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER LETTERS]([link removed])

Vdare TV

Tuesday December 03, 2019


[Giving Tuesday with Peter Brimelow, John Derbyshire, and Faith Goldy!]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER VIDEOS]([link removed])

Radio Derb

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

[Terror, Cuckery, And Heroism At London’s Fishmongers’ Hall, Etc.]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER RADIOS]([link removed])

Syndicated Columns

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: Is It Jaw-Jaw Or War-War With Iran?]([link removed])

Thursday December 05, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: Democrats' Diversity—Only in the Back of the Bus]([link removed])

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

[Patrick J. Buchanan: In Hong Kong, It's US vs. China Now]([link removed])


Author James Kirkpatrick

[Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right]([link removed])

Author Lawrence Auster

[Our Borders, Ourselves: America in the Age of Multiculturalism]([link removed])

Author Michelle Malkin

[Open Borders Inc.]([link removed])

Author Peter Brimelow

[Alien Nation: Common Sense About America's Immigration Disaster]([link removed])

Author Samuel Huntington

[Who Are We?: The Challenges to America's National Identity]([link removed])

Author Byron M. Roth

[The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature]([link removed])

[SEE OTHER BOOKS]([link removed])

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