UPDATE! Only $145,000 Left to Go! Help Us Raise $200,000 To Fund High-Impact, America First Journalism In 2020 [In case you missed it, watch our #GivingTuesday Livestream with Peter Brimelow, John Derbyshire, and Faith Goldy here!]

“GOOD NEWS! Immigrant Workforce Falls For Third Straight Month!”; “D’Abrosca On Tucker Carlson: Is Immigration Moratorium Concept Finally Breaking Through?”; etc. (57 items, 12/10/2019)


Most popular this week is Ann Coulter’s Are FACTS White Nationalist? Brush up on your facts with Ms. Coulter as she comments on “a recent study by Georgetown University (probably White Nationalist), funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (presumed hate group).”


Anonymous Attorney takes second place! He blogs: Much Ballyhooed “First Female Muslim Rep” in PA Now Facing Criminal Charges. As a VDARE.com reader, you are probably not surprised.


Speaking of minority crime rates, Steve Sailer is in third with: London Bridge Victims’ Professors Now Getting Some Unwanted Attention. It’s hard to forget the Narwhal Tusk Wielding Hero who defeated the London Bridge Terrorist. But how quickly will the MSM memoryhole this one?


In Fourth: Muhammad Makes List Of Top 10 Baby Names in the U.S. for First Time.  Be assured, according to the MSM, The Great Replacement is just a conspiracy theory and you should be comforted by the stock photo of a white baby that accompanies the SF Gate article.


And finally, rounding out the top five is Derb’s November Diary.  It’s because of the new puppy pictures, isn’t it?

Featured Articles

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Edwin S. Rubenstein

National Data | Immigrant Workforce Falls For Third Straight Month! Is Trump’s “Invisible Wall” Working?

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

John Derbyshire: Cuckmongers Hall And The London Bridge Massacre—I Don’t Want U.S. To End Up Like this

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Lance Welton

Women In Universities (IU’s Provost Lauren Robel, Dean Idie Kesner) Show Why Women In Universities Are Not A Good Thing

Friday December 06, 2019

Author Scot Olmstead

Eatwell and Goodwin’s NATIONAL POPULISM—The Revolt Is Real, And Reasonable

Thursday December 05, 2019

Author James Fulford

Yes, “Scoot,” There Is A War On Christmas. In Fact, We’re Using You To Start Our 2019 War On Christmas Competition!

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter: Are FACTS White Nationalist?

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin: Citizen Revolt—Resist Refugee Resettlement Dumps

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

Don’t Buy The Elise Stefanik Hype—She’s An Immigration Booster (And A Buttigieg Buddy)

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Allan Wall

SAID IN SPANISH: Professional Hispanic Activists Condemn Joe Biden—But Grassroots Hispanics Haven’t Got The Message

Blog Posts

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

Help Us Raise $200,000 To Fund High-Impact, America First Journalism In 2020.

Tuesday December 10, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

Matt Gaetz Continues To Impress On Impeachment, Saudis

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Pensacola Attack Is Yet Another Failure of Foreigner Military Training in America

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Record Number of African Migrants at U.S.-Mexico Border

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

The Gender Gap in Swimming

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Retconning Art To Eliminate Men

Monday December 09, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

New Contender For Hottest Female National Leader So Far This Century?

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Paul Nachman

Of COURSE Demography Is Destiny. And Some On The Left Recognize It's A WEAPON

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Chanda Prescod-Weinstein's Magnum Opus: "Making Black Women Scientists Under White Empiricism: the Racialization of Epistemology in Physics"

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

Sam Francis Predicted It All: Offering Money To Kill ICE Officers To Be Murdered Is Free Speech

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author James Fulford

Hospital Rapist: Nigerian Psychiatric Technician Charged With Rape Of Two Mental Patients, One Of Whom Was Unconscious

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author Allan Wall

Videos From Social Contract Writers' Workshop Now Online

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author Anonymous Attorney

FROZEN II Gets Woke, Anonymous Attorney Falls Asleep (With Spoilers)

Sunday December 08, 2019

Author A.W. Morgan

MSM “Babies Named Mohammed” Stories Illustrated With Pictures Of White Infants

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Amy Harmon in NYT: Science Proves the Race Glass Isn't Part Full. Instead, the Concept of Race Is ... Part Empty!

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Peter Brimelow

D’Abrosca On Tucker Carlson: Is Immigration Moratorium Concept Finally Breaking Through?

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Pete Buttigieg's "Holiday in Somalia" Sounds Better Than the Dead Kennedys' "Holiday in Cambodia," But Still ...

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author James Fulford

Elizabeth Warren Apologizes For Affirmative Action Fraud...Without Admitting To It

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Immigrant Mass Murder by Pensacola Arab Gunman: Maybe the Saudis Aren't Really Our Best Friends Forever?

Friday December 06, 2019

Author James Fulford

NYT: Sources Say Pensacola Gunman Was Saudi “National”—Or Immigrant, As In “Immigrant Mass Murder”

Friday December 06, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Rare MSM Hate Hoax Mention: Gay Organist Wrote "Heil Trump" On His Own Church

Friday December 06, 2019

Author James Fulford

Disgruntled Minority Massacre(s)? New Shooting At NAS Pensacola, As Navy STILL Hasn’t Revealed Name Of (Hispanic) Pearl Harbor Shooter

Thursday December 05, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

MS-13 Waiting For New Central American Immigrants In Northern Virginia

Thursday December 05, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

The Japanese WWII Philosophy: Fuel Is Expensive, Life Is Cheap

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

"Muhammad Makes List of Top 10 Baby Names in the U.S. for First Time"

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Paul Nachman

Paul Nachman DAILY INTERLAKE Op-Ed: Opening Montana’s Door To Syrian Refugees Is Huge Problem

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

Sailer Review of "Midway" In TakiMag

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Anonymous Attorney

Much Ballyhooed "First Female Muslim Rep" in PA Now Facing Criminal Charges

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Brenda Walker

Mexican Cartel Drug Spotters on Border Are Sentenced

Wednesday December 04, 2019

Author Lydia Brimelow

Amazing Fundraising Kickoff on #GivingTuesday 2019 Broke VDARE.com’s Record for 24-Hour Giving!

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author Allan Wall

In Florida, Guatemalan Child Raped by Fellow Guatemalan Who May Never Be Apprehended by Florida Police

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author Virginia Dare

Giving Tuesday Open House: 8PM Eastern with Special Guest Faith Goldy

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author James Fulford

North Dakota: Cass County Caves to Lutheran Refugee Contractor; Votes for More Refugees

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author James Fulford

Stacy McCain: "Saving Stephen Miller"

Tuesday December 03, 2019

Author Washington Watcher II

Should Immigration Patriots Be Worried About The Bizarre Georgia Senate Appointment?

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

A Public School That Is 47% White Is Denounced as "Segregated"

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

London Bridge Victims' Professors Now Getting Some Unwanted Attention

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Steve Sailer

The Public School District Cycle of Life

Monday December 02, 2019

Author James Fulford

Bob Weissberg Review Of Cyber Monday Deal WHO ARE WE?: "The Perils of Keeping America America"

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Virginia Dare

VDARE.com's Cyber Monday Deal: Who Are We? 50% Off!

Monday December 02, 2019

Author James Kirkpatrick

Tories Reveal Stronger Immigration Platform Ahead Of Election


Vdare TV

Radio Derb

Saturday December 07, 2019

Author John Derbyshire

Terror, Cuckery, And Heroism At London’s Fishmongers’ Hall, Etc.

Syndicated Columns

Monday December 09, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Is It Jaw-Jaw Or War-War With Iran?

Thursday December 05, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: Democrats' Diversity—Only in the Back of the Bus

Monday December 02, 2019

Author Patrick J. Buchanan

Patrick J. Buchanan: In Hong Kong, It's US vs. China Now


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