From National Secular Society <[email protected]>
Subject Your daily media briefing: 'Sectarian hate attacks' on Belfast homes investigated
Date December 6, 2019 10:00 AM
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** Your daily media briefing - Friday 6 December

In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts on our website.

** Secularism in the media

* 'Sectarian hate attacks' on North Belfast homes investigated <[link removed]>

Three Catholic families have been prevented from moving into properties in north Belfast because of sectarian attacks.

BBC News

* 'Shared society still seems a pipe dream' <[link removed]>

Editorial highlights the ongoing sectarian divisions in Northern Ireland.

Belfast Telegraph (£)

* Islamist extremists begin to remobilise as they finish prison sentences <[link removed]>

An extremist network once led by the hate preacher Anjem Choudary has begun to remobilise as waves of former members leave prison or are released from monitoring measures.

The Times (£)

* 'We cannot afford to be timid about calling out the threat of radical Islam' <[link removed]>

Only by challenging Islamism with a rigorous and proactive approach to safeguarding, and a renewed focus on real integration, can we guarantee a safer future for all of us, says Alan Mendoza.

City AM

* Jewish school network criticises Lib Dem pledge for gender-neutral uniforms

The Jewish Leadership Council's schools network says Lib Dem plans would affect uniform policies requiring girls to wear long skirts and boys to wear kippah.

The JC

* Student jailed for Facebook post saying Muslims should be ‘wiped off the earth’ <[link removed]>

Louis Duxbury, 22, went on a 17-minute 'call to arms' in which he said that members of the faith 'should be wiped off the face of the earth'.


* Man accused of plotting to attack Scottish Islamic centre to face trial <[link removed]>

A man accused of preparing to commit acts of terrorism and suggesting online that he planned to attack the Fife Islamic Centre will stand trial next year.

The Scotsman

* Bishop of Shrewsbury attacks election pledges to decriminalise abortion <[link removed]>

The Bishop of Shrewsbury is to warn the Catholics of his diocese about General Election pledges to decriminalise abortion which he says will represent a "radical assault upon the sanctity of human life".

Shropshire Star

* 'I was told I would be done for murder' <[link removed]>

At 17, Dunne was pregnant with a baby who had a fatal abnormality. She was given a pseudonym and became the focus of a landmark Irish legal case – but now she is reclaiming her story

The Guardian

* New Zealand: New parliamentary Bill proposes 'opt-in' religious instruction <[link removed]>

Proposals in the Education and Training Bill 2019 introduced in Parliament yesterday include religious instruction being offered on an opt-in basis.

Education HQ

* Canada: Church of Atheism denied charitable status as court finds it isn't a religion <[link removed]>

A federal court has ruled that the so-called Church of Atheism is not a church at all, and can't be treated like one for tax purposes.

Airdrie Today

* 'They felt pressured to get circumcised after moving to Israel. They now regret it' <[link removed]>

Tens of thousands of teen boys and men from the former Soviet Union were herded into Israeli operating rooms beginning in the '90s to undergo circumcisions. Years later, they recall the resulting trauma and pain, and the damage wrought on their sex lives.


** Latest from the NSS

* Segregating schools in NI causes gross inefficiencies, says report <[link removed]>

Taxpayers in Northern Ireland are wasting millions of pounds every year because of religious segregation in schools, a report has found.

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