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An extremist network once led by the hate preacher Anjem Choudary has begun to remobilise as waves of former members leave prison or are released from monitoring measures.
Only by challenging Islamism with a rigorous and proactive approach to safeguarding, and a renewed focus on real integration, can we guarantee a safer future for all of us, says Alan Mendoza.
The Jewish Leadership Council's schools network says Lib Dem plans would affect uniform policies requiring girls to wear long skirts and boys to wear kippah.
A man accused of preparing to commit acts of terrorism and suggesting online that he planned to attack the Fife Islamic Centre will stand trial next year.
The Bishop of Shrewsbury is to warn the Catholics of his diocese about General Election pledges to decriminalise abortion which he says will represent a "radical assault upon the sanctity of human life".
At 17, Dunne was pregnant with a baby who had a fatal abnormality. She was given a pseudonym and became the focus of a landmark Irish legal case – but now she is reclaiming her story
Tens of thousands of teen boys and men from the former Soviet Union were herded into Israeli operating rooms beginning in the '90s to undergo circumcisions. Years later, they recall the resulting trauma and pain, and the damage wrought on their sex lives.
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