From Clarion Project <[email protected]>
Subject Attacks on Ilhan Omar: Which 'Facts' Do They Speak to?
Date December 5, 2019 2:45 PM
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Attacks on Ilhan Omar: Which 'Facts' Do They Speak to? ([link removed]) Are we living in a parallel universe? Read and Share ([link removed])
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$105 Million American Tax Dollars Likely to End up in Hezbollah’s Hands ([link removed]) The aid money is earmarked for the Lebanese army. This strategy has failed before Listen ([link removed])
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Readers Write
Muslim Woman Hailed as Hero for Challenging Anti-Semitism ([link removed])
“Since Christians and Jews have been assailing and condemning Islamophobia for decades, this is a welcome new development. We need more of this ... MUCH more. ”
- B.L.
Radical Imam Siraj Wahhaj in Arizona to Give Sermon to Kids ([link removed])
“Keep your kids far, far away from him.”
- D.M.
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