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$105 Million American Tax Dollars Likely to End up in Hezbollah’s Hands The aid money is earmarked for the Lebanese army. This strategy has failed before Listen
MSM Now Compares Trump Supporters to ISIS Followers The latest coordinated effort by the MSM Read and Share
News Analysis
Linda Sarsour Compares Jews to White Supremacists Says Israel is 'built on the idea that Jews are supreme to everybody else' Read and Share
Readers Write
Muslim Woman Hailed as Hero for Challenging Anti-Semitism
“Since Christians and Jews have been assailing and condemning Islamophobia for decades, this is a welcome new development. We need more of this ... MUCH more. ”
- B.L.
Radical Imam Siraj Wahhaj in Arizona to Give Sermon to Kids
“Keep your kids far, far away from him.”
- D.M.

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