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Subject Today’s Marshall Plan Lessons, Success at the Summit, How GBV Impacts Migration
Date June 17, 2022 5:16 PM
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June 17, 2022[[link removed]]Wilson Weekly
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The Marshall Plan at 75: Lessons for Ukraine? [[link removed]]
[[link removed]]“If we look at Austria today, a country that lay in ruins after WWII, we owe our quality of life above all to George Marshall’s policies. If we look beyond our borders, we see regions hit by crisis – hunger, oppression, war. In this context, ‘we need a Marshall plan’ becomes relevant.” —Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen, who joined U.S. Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and other distinguished guests for this important anniversary event.
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Trade, Minerals, and the Green Transition in Greenland: A Conversation with Prime Minister Múte B. Egede The NATO Accession Crisis Risks Final Collapse of the Alliance-Turkey Relationship
“Before the war started in Ukraine, we had forgotten a little bit, in our part of the world and our allies, that partnerships... are very, very important. And with the new developments—the ice is moving in the Arctic area, and the new trade routes are opening in this area – we need to rethink our partnerships and develop our partnerships for the future.” Hear more of Greenland Prime Minister Múte B. Egede’s vision for the future. “What Ankara may not get is that its penchant for dangerous haggling, not only over accession but with its Aegean and northern Syria threats, undercuts that solidarity and the whole Russia containment categorical imperative.” Read more from Former Ambassador to Turkey, James Jeffrey.
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[link removed] [[link removed]] 2022 Wilson Award Honorees
“The Wilson Center Awards are intended to honor those who are showing leadership on key challenges. This year’s honorees have made exceptional contributions at a key moment in modern history,” said Ambassador Mark Green, Wilson Center President and CEO. Find out more about the five awardees, who hail from the highest diplomatic, corporate, and policy circles.
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The Impact of Violence Against Women on Central American Migration Russia's New Expats
"When we talk about gender-based violence, our minds immediately go to physical violence, and I think when we are talking about barriers to economic development, we need to also think about the more subtle forms of violence." —Hannah Sklar, Executive Director, CREAMOS, Guatemala Since Russia launched its war against Ukraine in February, hundreds of journalists have left their country because they felt threatened by the Kremlin's crackdown on free speech. In the latest KennanX podcast, Jill Dougherty presents the first in a two-part series profiling Russian journalists who have fled.
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Was the Summit of the Americas a Success?
“The Biden administration put in a real effort to say this is now a hemisphere-wide problem. Six million Venezuelan refugees, burdening countries like Ecuador and Colombia and others... And it looks like they have reached a pretty significant agreement... I’d call that a diplomatic victory.” Hear more analysis about the Summit of the Americas on the latest Wilson Center NOW.
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Upcoming Events
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India and Pakistan at 75: A Tale of Two Divergent Economic Paths [[link removed]]Tuesday, June 21 // 10–11:30 a.m. (ET)
Seabed Mining, International Law, and the United States [[link removed]]Tuesday, June 21 // 2–3:15 p.m. (ET)
Eighth Annual Building a Competitive U.S.- Mexico Border Conference [[link removed]]Wednesday, June 22 // 9:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. (ET)
Pathways to Net Zero for Canada’s Oil Sands: A New Approach [[link removed]]Thursday, June 23 // 10:30–11:30 a.m. (ET)
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Wilson In the News
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Will India’s Domestic Politics Dent Its Diplomacy? (Foreign Policy) [[link removed]]
“Governments haven’t wanted to risk jeopardizing important trade ties with India, the world’s sixth-largest economy. But BJP leaders insulting the Prophet Mohammed have prompted an uncharacteristically loud response, especially in the Gulf.” Read more from Michael Kugelman in this week’s Asia Brief .
Brazil’s Election: A Looming Crisis for Washington (Americas Quarterly) [[link removed]]
“The difficult road ahead was on full display in Los Angeles when Bolsonaro used his public remarks alongside Biden to affirm his commitment to democracy while alluding to the need for Brazil’s election to be ‘auditable’—a rallying cry of his base and election skeptics.” Read more from Nicholas Zimmerman and co-author Roberto Simon.
To Constructively Engage China, Start with Infrastructure (Nikkei Asia) [[link removed]]
“China now invests 8% of its gross domestic product in infrastructure compared to 1% in the U.S. Not only does Beijing use infrastructure to advance its international standing through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and other programs, but it has capacity to spare,” writes Wilson Center global advisory council member, Sadek Wahba.

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