Wilson In the News
Will India’s Domestic Politics Dent Its Diplomacy? (Foreign Policy)
“Governments haven’t wanted to risk jeopardizing important trade ties with India, the world’s sixth-largest economy. But BJP leaders insulting the Prophet Mohammed have prompted an uncharacteristically loud response, especially in the Gulf.” Read more from Michael Kugelman in this week’s Asia Brief.
Brazil’s Election: A Looming Crisis for Washington (Americas Quarterly)
“The difficult road ahead was on full display in Los Angeles when Bolsonaro used his public remarks alongside Biden to affirm his commitment to democracy while alluding to the need for Brazil’s election to be ‘auditable’—a rallying cry of his base and election skeptics.” Read more from Nicholas Zimmerman and co-author Roberto Simon.
To Constructively Engage China, Start with Infrastructure (Nikkei Asia)
“China now invests 8% of its gross domestic product in infrastructure compared to 1% in the U.S. Not only does Beijing use infrastructure to advance its international standing through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and other programs, but it has capacity to spare,” writes Wilson Center global advisory council member, Sadek Wahba.