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Yvette continues to be on the front lines of the fight to protect our rights.
She was a proud advocate of the Child Tax Credit that helped millions of families struggling through the pandemic.
She continues to fight for expanding our health care despite the GOP STILL considering repealing the Affordable Care Act.
And she’s been fighting to hold Big Tech and Big Data accountable – an issue that recently went viral thanks to John Oliver’s recent coverage of the issue.
She’s the champion for New York that we need in Congress, and that’s why we want to update you on our progress as we march towards the primary!
We’ve submitted our signatures, and Yvette is officially on the ballot! Thank you to everyone who helped us get out into our communities and collect all the signatures we need.
Now, we need your help to not only introduce Yvette’s work to new folks in our district but to prepare for a Get Out the Vote campaign ahead of the primary.
We set a goal to raise another $3,000 in grassroots donations by the middle of April, and we’re just $827 behind that goal! Could you chip in even just $30 to help us get over the edge? [[link removed]]
If y ou've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
$9 [[link removed]] $15 [[link removed]] $25 [[link removed]]
$50 [[link removed]] $100 [[link removed]] Other [[link removed]]
Thanks so much for all your support as we work to get one of the most effective voices for working people and New York re-elected in 2022!
– Team Clarke
Yvette Clarke is the ONLY Black woman representing New York in Washington. She has a known track record of bringing together moderates and progressives to pass progressive legislation to help communities of color, low-income families, immigrants, and more. If you'd like only the most important updates, you can opt for fewer emails here [[link removed]] , but if you don't want to keep Yvette proudly representing Brooklyn, you can unsubscribe: [link removed] . [link removed] [[link removed]]
Stay up to date with Yvette on social media!
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Paid for by Clarke for Congress
Clarke for Congress
PO Box 250200
Brooklyn, NY 11225
United States