From Metro DC DSA <[email protected]>
Subject Metro DC DSA Weekly Update for Friday, July 12, 2019
Date July 12, 2019 12:29 PM
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Metro DC DSA Weekly Update for Friday, July 12, 2019

** What's On This Week
Comrade, THE WEEKEND: Saturday: Socialist Night School 3 PM on Central America and Neocolonial Empire ([link removed]) ; also anti-ICE action with “For Us Not Amazon” (see Takes, below) and Grassroots Planning Coalition plans response to Council’s attempt to weaken the DC Comprehensive Plan (see Allies events). “Sunday For Us Not Amazon” petitions against Amazon ICE collaboration at the Pentagon City Whole Foods (also below, in Takes).

In the Update: Takes on UNITE-HERE’s DCA solidarity action for striking catering workers July 23; Labor WG meeting and For Us Not Amazon actions; more details on DSA National Convention proposals and how MDC DSA members can amend, support or boo them, and more. Plus MDC DSA calendar for July/August, events from our allies in the DMV and some Good Reads.
New and Green: notifications that come in after the Friday AM email Update can be seen in theweb Update ([link removed]) anytime in the coming week. Look for the green entries at the top of the Update.

Airline Food Workers Invite Allies to Join Informational Picket Line July 23 to Demand that One Job Should Be Enough
MDC DSA members at the June GBM heard from UNITE HERE’s Damiana Dendy about this solidarity ask: Tuesday, July 23 UNITE HERE National Airline Food Workers Informational Picket Line, ([link removed]) 5 PM at Reagan National Airport. RSVP here. ([link removed])

This week, MDC DSA’s Steering Committee voted to endorse the action.

Support UNITE HERE members who prepare and load the food served on American, Delta and United Airlines planes in D.C. and across the mid-Atlantic. UNITE HERE President D. Taylor and AFA-CWA President Sara Nelson will join these workers in solidarity in their fight that One Job Should Be Enough. American Airlines, Delta, and United’s $50 billion-plus profits in just the past 5 years hasn’t translated into a living wage for these workers. In June, 11,000 airline catering workers nationwide voted to authorize strikes ([link removed]) when released by the government. Nationally, the majority of the food workers serving these airlines still earn less than $15 per hour – and health care has become unaffordable. The week of July 22, catering workers nationwide will mobilize to end poverty in the airline industry, anchored by this
informational picket at Reagan National Airport. Workers who prepare food for American Airlines, Delta Airlines, and United Airlines flights at JFK, LGA, ATL, MIA, DFW, SFO, ORD, MCO, MSP, DTW, PHL, LAX, BOS, CVG, IAD, SEA, and DCA have all taken strike authorization votes. National actions will be taking place at airports all through the week of July 22nd. Updates on labor disputes at these airports as well as other hubs of the major airlines can be found at UNITE HERE, which last year took 7,700 Marriott workers on strike, is committed to ending poverty in this industry once and for all. For more info about solidarity action contact Damiana Dendy ([link removed]) or RSVP here. ([link removed])

Note that MDC DSA’s Labor Working Group July meeting ([link removed]) is next Tuesday, July 16 ([link removed]) with debrief on the canvass and discussion of specific company targets.

Same day as the Labor WG meets is the second of Amazon Prime Days, when the Bezos behemoth promotes its loyalty-ensnarement program. Workers at the Amazon warehouse/sweatshop in Shakopee, Minn. will pitch a strike action ([link removed]) July 15 and the company has been getting continued pushback from workers as well as from exasperated competitors ([link removed]) .

Our NoVa comrade Alex H with “For Us Not Amazon” has the full scoop on activist opportunities as Ughazon celebrates a corporate birthday with a very corporate sales pitch called Prime Day.
Saturday July 13th 8:20 AM, Arlington County Gov't Center:
Coalition member Roshan Abraham will be delivering a statement to the Arlington County board that should be demanding Amazon end their contracts with ICE. We are asking people to come stand in solidarity and show community support for our neighbors being surveilled, detained and deported by ICE. The statement will be delivered during the public comment period starting at 8:30 AM in the Arlington County Government Center.
We will be meeting up in the lobby at 8:20, stand with Roshan while he delivers his statement and depart after the County Board has given their response. Please bring signs (we'll have a few on hand).
BOYCOTT PRIME DAY- Amazon's fake holiday is soon upon us. There will be actions across the country in response to Amazon's big day, all helping to highlight many of the aspects that is so wrong about this colossus. For example, workers at the Amazon fulfillment center in Minnesota will be striking in protest of Amazon's lack of response to their demands of better treatment ([link removed]) . We will be focusing on our demands for Amazon to cut ties with ICE and any contractor who profits from the deportation machine (like Palantir ([link removed]) ).

Sunday July 14th: Petitioning at Whole Foods
Whole Foods is one of the most prevalent Amazon presences people see outside of the cardboard boxes arriving at their door. Last year, we joined with ACRE (Action Center on Race & the Economy) to raise awareness of Amazon's selling of white nationalist goods and media on their platforms. This year we will be petitioning around Amazon's connection to the deportation machine. We will be meeting at the Pentagon City Whole Foods (520 12th St S, Arlington, VA) at 10:30 AM.

Tuesday July 16th: Join us in solidarity with migrants and working people to demand Amazon cut all ties to ICE and agencies that criminalize, incarcerate, and deport our community members.

We’ll be in the neighborhood of one of Jeff Bezos’ houses to let people know his and Amazon’s role in the separation of families, mass raids, and the deportation machine. We’ll also be delivering petitions from thousands of people calling on Amazon to end all ties to ICE!
We’ll gather at the park across from Dupont Circle Station at 9 AM.
Facebook event link: [link removed]
Other goings on:
* Check out this video of coalition members delivering petitions and confronting Ralph Northam about his complicity in giving away public resources to Amazon and refusing to confront the company on its role in the deportation of our neighbors ([link removed])
* Shockingly, Arlington Board Chair Christian Dorsey refuses to acknowledge that Amazon could be connected to huge spike in housing prices and collapse of available houses on the market, suspiciously starting right after the announcement in November ([link removed])
* Did you see the news about Virginia being the CNBC Best State for Business? To get the real scoop, I recommend you read Richmond for All's Kristen Reed's thread on Twitter. ([link removed])

National Governance and priorities resolutions and our delegation.
Local delegates spoke at the June GBM about resolutions and bylaws amendments that local chapter members are being asked to support through their delegates as they are introduced at the National DSA Convention Aug. 2-4 in Atlanta. The 88 proposals approved for National Convention debate are here ([link removed]) , with fiscal notes from staff. MDC DSA members who want to advocate for or against any of these proposals can connect with the 41-member MDC DSA delegation at this email address (mailto:[email protected]) .
Delegates speaking at the June GBM advocated for several proposals, including for two proposed bylaws/constitutional amendments. Change #2 in the list of proposed changes ([link removed]) , referred to as “Pass the Hat,” would redistribute organizational funds to smaller and poorer chapters. Change #33, called “Assembly of Locals… restructures National to redistribute power to the locals.”

MDC DSA delegate Nate S at that GBM outlined a proposal (Resolution #2) from the DSA group Collective Power Network ([link removed]) on accelerating organizing efforts through a National Organizing Council, with a goal of bringing the organization to around double its current membership, or 100,000, by 2021. Two of the four Res#2 authors, and half the 24 charter signatories, are MDC DSA comrades. More recently, he has amplified the argument ([link removed]) writing (as Nate Steel) for the Collective Power Network blog.

All members can submit proposed amendments to any resolution or bylaws change on either list by July 16^th (extended deadline) using this form ([link removed]) . As noted above, member advocacy on any of the convention proposals ([link removed]) can be communicated to the whole delegation at this email address (mailto:[email protected]) .

And Metro DC DSA is raising funds to help our delegates get to Atlanta for that Aug. 2-4 National Convention. Info and donate link is here. ([link removed])
It is easy to forget that Chelsea Manning has been jailed ([link removed]) since May 17 for refusing to testify in a grand jury investigation against Julian Assange. You can read her very thoughtful letter to Judge Trenga on why she is resisting this process here ([link removed]) . Chelsea is still facing escalating legal costs so please consider donating to her legal fund here ([link removed]) . [Francesco R]
MDC DSA Publications Schedule
Our periodicals stay constant through the summer; Updates will appear Fridays, July19 and 26 and the August issue of the Washington Socialist appears Friday, August 2 with an article deadline of Sunday, July 28 (but for collaborative editing, earlier is better).
Our activism gains support when it is explained in a socialist context and voice, so submit your contribution to our ongoing narrative here (mailto:[email protected]) . Opinion pieces, campaign updates, coverage of rallies, socialist illustrations or photo essays – all are welcome and valued. Check our submission guidelines ([link removed]) .
“You cannot buy the revolution. You cannot make the revolution. You can only be the revolution. It is in your spirit, or it is nowhere.” — Ursula K. Le Guin, The Dispossessed
But don’t keep it to yourself.
Yours in solidarity,
The Publications Working Group

** MDC DSA Events for July/August 2019
Follow links for details

Saturday JUL 13 3:00 PM
Unequal Relations: The US Road to Neocolonial Empire in Latin America (Socialist ([link removed]) Night School)
Northeast Neighborhood Library, 330 7th St NE, Washington, DC 20002
Today often referred to as merely the US’ “backyard”, this talk will follow the unequal and changing relationships between the United States and Latin America from their respective colonial eras all the way to Neo-Colonial Empire. In particular, we’ll look at the ways in which changing dynamics within the Capitalist system overall Follow link for details.

Tuesday, JUL 16 6:30 PM
MDC DSA Labor Working Group July Meeting ([link removed])
1616 P St NW | 1616 P St NW | Washington, DC 20036
We will be debriefing our wage canvass and strategize over targeting specific companies. Wage requirements went up July 1 but still lots of work to do to make sure workers get that info and their benefits.

Wednesday JUL 17 7:00 PM
NOVA Branch DSA 🌹 Organizing Meeting ([link removed])
Cascades Library, 21030 Whitfield Pl, Potomac Falls, VA 20165
Welcome to our monthly NOVA DSA organizing and planning meeting. Follow link for details.

Thursday JUL 18 5:00 PM
Queer Caucus Happy Hour ([link removed])
A League Of Her Own, 2319 18th St NW, Washington, DC 20009
The Queer caucus (for all LGBTQIA+ comrades and our allies/accomplices) will be having our monthly Happy Hour at League of Her Own, a Lesbian/Queer bar (attached to Pitchers, an inclusive gay men’s bar) on Thursday, July 18th from 5-8(?). We’ll be downstairs (the ALOHO side) Follow link for details.

Saturday JUL 20 4:30 PM
SOS Screenprinting Party ([link removed])

Love + Solidarity Collective, 439 Park Rd NW, Washington, DC 20010

Haven’t you always wished you could show off your excitement about Stomp(ing) Out Slumlords in t-shirt form? Well, wish no more!! Come join your fellow comrades and seize hold of the means of production for a screen printing bonanza following the launch of the DC Tenants Union! We’ll have all the gear to create Follow link for details

Sunday JUL 21 12:00 PM
Migrant Justice Action: Art Build I ([link removed])

501 3rd St NW, 501 3rd St NW, Washington, DC 20001

Come make posters and props for our next deportation profiteer action! MDC DSA will provide poster board, markers, paint, and snacks. Bring your best anti-ICE slogans!

Sunday JUL 21 3:00 PM
Metro DC DSA Monthly General Body Meeting & PICNIC! ([link removed])
Rock Creek Park, Washington, DC 20008
The monthly meeting of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America for July will be a picnic in Rock Creek Park! The agenda will be distributed the week before the meeting.

Monday JUL 22 6:30 PM
Socialists and the Labor Movement (Socialist Night School) ([link removed])
West End Neighborhood Library, 2301 L St NW, Washington, DC 20037
After decades of retreat for both the left and the labor movement, we are currently experiencing a resurgence of both labor militancy and a renewed interest in socialism. But what in the relationship between socialism and unions? In this Night School Session, we will be covering the history of leftists in the US trade union movement. Follow link for details.

Wednesday JUL 24 7:00 PM
Steering Committee ([link removed])
Institute for Policy Studies, 1301 Connecticut Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC 20036
Steering Committee meetings are open to any MDC DSA member who would like to attend. Please RSVP and message the hosts if you would like to join by videoconference so we can make arrangements to get you the appropriate URL. Follow link for details.

Thursday JUL 25 6:00 PM
Disability Justice Working Group Meeting ([link removed])
The Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Rd NW, Washington, DC 20009
Join Metro DC DSA Disability Justice Working Group for our monthly meeting. Learn how to get involved in the various campaigns to empower and liberate the disabled community from the oppressive capitalist system. We meet on the first floor of the ADA-compliant Festival Center. ASL interpretation will be provided on request. Follow link for details.

Thursday JUL 25 6:30 PM
DSA Monthly Happy Hour ([link removed])
The Midlands Beer Garden, 3333 Georgia Ave NW, Washington, DC 20010
Join us for our monthly happy hour! This is a great chance to meet and mingle with fellow comrades. No agenda, no work, and no politics… well, maybe a little politics. Happy hours, like most MDC DSA events, are open to members and non-members alike! Come join us in an informal setting to learn more Follow link for details.

Sunday JUL 28 1:30 PM
Stomp Out Slumlords: Anti-Eviction Canvass ([link removed])
L’Enfant Plaza Metro Station, 600 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024
Come help us connect tenants facing eviction with legal resources! Tenants we speak to are twice as likely to go to court and fight their eviction, so every volunteer can make a big impact. We’re meeting at the L’Enfant metro — 7th St and Maryland Ave Exit. If you’ve never canvassed before Follow link for details.

Sunday JUL 28 4:00 PM
Socialist Feminism Reading Group 🌹 ([link removed])
The Festival Center, 1640 Columbia Rd., NW, Washington, DC 20009
Please read our reading group Participation Guide ([link removed]) and join us as we explore and discuss topics within Socialist Feminism. 🌹

Wednesday JUL 31 7:00 PM
Metro-DC DSA NOVA Branch Happy Hour🌹 ([link removed])
Lost Rhino Brewing Co, 21730 Red Rum Dr #142, Ashburn, VA 20147
🌹No issues, no work, no worries – like a Red Panda, we can escape to just relax and enjoy socializing with our NOVA DSA friends. New members and friends are welcome! Follow link for details.

New and Green: notifications that come in after the Friday AM email Update can be seen in theweb Update ([link removed]) anytime in the coming week. Look for the green entries at the top of the Update.


Wednesday AUG 7 7:00 PM
Steering Committee (remote only) ([link removed])
Steering Committee meetings are open to any MDC DSA member who would like to attend. You can find the Zoom link in the #steering channel in the chapter’s Slack. Follow link for details.

Saturday AUG 10 10:00 AM
Migrant Justice Action: Art Build II ([link removed])

501 3rd St NW, 501 3rd St NW, Washington, DC 20001

Come make posters and props for our next deportation profiteer action! MDC DSA will provide poster board, markers, paint, and snacks. Bring your best anti-ICE slogans!

Saturday AUG 10 1:30 PM
Stomp Out Slumlords: Anti-Eviction Canvass ([link removed])

L'Enfant Plaza Metro Station, 600 Maryland Ave SW, Washington, DC 20024

Come help us connect tenants facing eviction with legal resources! Tenants we speak to are twice as likely to go to court and fight their eviction, so every volunteer can make a big impact. We’re meeting at the L’Enfant metro — 7th St and Maryland Ave Exit. If you’ve never canvassed before, Follow link for details.

Sunday AUG 11 3:00 PM
Metro DC DSA Monthly General Body Meeting ([link removed])

Friends Meeting of Washington, 2111 Florida Ave. NW, Washington, DC

The monthly meeting of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America! The agenda will be distributed the week before the meeting.

Wednesday AUG 14 7:00 PM
Prison and Police Abolition – Socialist Night School comes to MoCo! ([link removed])

Bethesda-Chevy Chase Regional Services Center, 4805 Edgemoor Ln # 100, Bethesda, MD 20814

Join Montgomery County DSA and MDC DSA’s Socialist Night School for a discussion on the politics of police and prison abolition situated in the context of our community and the larger region. The first session will be led by Metro DC DSA Socialist Night School co-organizer David Kaib. Follow link for details.

Thursday AUG 15 6:30 PM
Migrant Justice Action: Stand Up to Deportation Profiteers ([link removed])


As ICE detains and deports immigrants every day, they are helped by for-profit companies. These profiteers allow ICE to function by providing key services: operating detention centers, making electronic ankle bracelets, building lists of undocumented immigrants, and more. The executives of these companies make millions for destroying lives in our community. Follow link for details.

** Events from Our Allies in the DMV
Follow links for details
SAT Jul 13 DC Grassroots Planning Coalition monthly meeting
1:30-4:00 PM Union Temple Baptist Church 1225 W St, SE -- Discuss amended version of the Framework Element (first chapter) of the city's Comprehensive Plan – first vote by Council was Tuesday. Chairman Mendelson is scheduled to attend. Tell city officials what we want to see ([link removed]) .

SAT Jul 13 Orientation + Welcome session for SURJ DC ([link removed]) 2-4 PM, Mt. Pleasant Neighborhood Library, 3160 16th St NW, Washington, DC 20010, USA — Hosted by Showing Up for Racial Justice – SURJ – DC—Register here ([link removed]) for an introduction to SURJ, SURJ-DC and our culture; reflection on our role as white people in a multi-racial movement; ways to get involved with SURJ DC and our partner organizations
Questions? Email Sarah at [email protected] (mailto:surjdc%[email protected]) .

MON Jul 15, the Reel and Meal at the New Deal screens Psychedelic Mysticism: The Good Friday Experiment & Beyond. The 46-minute documentary about mixing religion and mushrooms will be shown following an optional vegan meal (&14.00), which begins at 6:30 PM. Filmmakers Susan and Frank Gervasi will lead a discussion following the film. The New Deal Café is located at 113 Centerway in Greenbelt’s Roosevelt Center.

MON Jul 15 Mental Health & Wellness Fair for Restaurant Workers! ([link removed]) Noon- 6:00 PM Dacha Beer Garden, 1600 7th St NW, Washington, DC 20001, USA Hosted by Restaurant Opportunities Center of Washington DC (ROC-DC) Register here ([link removed]) .

THUR Jul 18 Monthly Legal Clinics for Restaurant Workers! ([link removed]) 1– 5 PM 1100 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009, USA Hosted by Restaurant Opportunities Center of Washington DC (ROC-DC) RSVP HERE: ([link removed]) and get answers to questions regarding your legal rights in the workplace

SUN Jul 21 Deep Canvass with SURJ ([link removed]) 1-7 PM (Northern Virginia) Come join us for a full day of canvassing at All Saints Episcopal Sharon Chapel in Alexandria! Sign up here ([link removed]) Details are at the event link above.

SUN Jul 21 Maryland Legislative Coalition Forum, Legislative Education Series on Immigration ([link removed]) . Delegates Joseline Pena-Melnyk and David Fraser-Hidalgo discuss the challenges involved in getting immigration legislation passed in Maryland. 1:30-4:30. Avalon Room, Ellicott City Miller Branch Library, 9421 Frederick Rd, Ellicott City, MD 21042, RSVP ([link removed])

MON Jul 29 ROC DC Monthly Meeting! ([link removed]) 1-3 PM Restaurant Opportunity Center DC, Second Floor, 1100 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC 20009, — Come together and meet other restaurant and tipped workers in DC who want to build worker power in order to improve wages and working conditions in the DC restaurant industry! Dinner will be provided and children are welcome!

Through SUN Aug 11 Plans to Prosper You ([link removed]) 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM, Hosted by Save Bethesda African Cemetery and 2 others: [link removed] ([link removed])
The exhibit “Plans to Prosper You: Reflections of Black Resistance and Resilience in Montgomery County’s Potomac River Valley”. ([link removed]) runs until August 11 at the Katzen Arts Center, American University ([link removed]) . On SAT July 20 from 3 to 4:30 pm, there will be a special panel featuring expert discussants about Macedonia Baptist Church and Moses Cemetery, which are featured in the exhibit. Come one, come all: this is history revealed.
New and Green: notifications that come in after the Friday AM email Update can be seen in theweb Update ([link removed]) anytime in the coming week. Look for the green entries at the top of the Update.

Our Pubs WG team comrade Kam B has an analytical piece in national DSA’s Socialist Forum, [link removed]

Our comrade-ish Amber A’Lee Frost, self-described “big-S Socialist,” shares her media preferences [link removed]


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