From CEP's Eye on Extremism <[email protected]>
Subject Fighting Between ISIS And U.S.-Backed Forces Spreads In Syria
Date January 25, 2022 2:30 PM
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“Fighting between Kurdish-led militia, backed by the United States, and Islamic
State militants spread on Tuesday to neighborhoods around an embattled



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Eye on Extremism

January 25, 2022


The New York Times: Fighting Between ISIS And U.S.-Backed Forces Spreads In
Syria <[link removed]>


“Fighting between Kurdish-led militia, backed by the United States, and
Islamic State militants spread on Tuesday to neighborhoods around an embattled
prison in northeastern Syria that is at the epicenter of the biggest
confrontation between the American military and the Islamic State since the
territorial defeat of the terrorist group three years ago. ISIS gunmen and
suicide bombers attacked a makeshift prison in the city of Hasaka on Thursday
in an attempt to free ISIS fighters held there. The U.S. military joined the
fight on Monday, backing the allied Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces with
airstrikes, intelligence and ground troops in Bradley fighting vehicles who
helped cordon off the facility. ISIS now controls about one-quarter of the
prison and is holding hostages, including child detainees. The U.S.-led
coalition said the fight has become the biggest known battle between American
forces and ISIS since the group lost the last piece of territory it had
captured in Syria in 2019. The S.D.F. said on Tuesday that it had conducted
sweeps in Hasaka neighborhoods near the Sinaa prison and had killed five ISIS
fighters who were wearing suicide belts. The sweeps marked an expansion of the
fighting to areas beyond the prison.”


Associated Press: Soldiers Declare Military Junta In Control In Burkina Faso
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“More than a dozen mutinous soldiers declared Monday on state television that
a military junta had seized control of Burkina Faso after detaining the
democratically elected president following a day of gunbattles in the capital
of the West African country. The military coup in a nation that was once a
bastion of stability was the third of its kind in the region in the last 18
months, creating upheaval in some of the countries hardest hit by Islamic
extremist attacks. Capt. Sidsore Kaber Ouedraogo said the Patriotic Movement
for Safeguarding and Restoration “has decided to assume its responsibilities
before history.” The soldiers put an end to President Roch Marc Christian
Kabore’s presidency because of the deteriorating security situation and the
president’s inability to manage the crisis, he said. It was not immediately
known where Kabore was, and the junta spokesman said only that the coup had
taken place “without any physical violence against those arrested, who are
being held in a safe place, with respect for their dignity.”


United States


Washington Examiner: 14 Illegal Immigrants On Terror Watchlist Stopped At
Border In 2021, Former Border Patrol Chief Says
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“Law enforcement intercepted 14 illegal immigrants at the U.S.-Mexico border
who were on the terrorist watchlist, a former top official said, more than the
four stops that the Department of Homeland Security had disclosed. U.S. Border
Patrol agents stopped 14 noncitizens who were named on the terror watchlist and
tried to sneak into the United States between October 2020 and August 2021, one
month short of the entire fiscal year 2021, according to recently retired
Border Patrol Chief Rodney Scott, who disclosed the number during a panel
discussion at a Texas Public Policy Foundation conference in Austin this month
and in a follow-up conversation with the Washington Examiner. The terror
watchlist stops in 2021 are significant because they are higher than in
previous years. U.S. Customs and Border Protection, the parent agency of the
Border Patrol, declined to comment or release data on terror watchlist
encounters. Last summer, Scott told agents in a farewell address that the
agency was encountering people on the terror watchlist “at a level we have
never seen before.”


Associated Press: Douglas Teen Pleads Guilty In Terrorism Case
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“A 14-year-old boy suspected of building pipe bombs in his Douglas home will
serve at least 18 months in a juvenile detention facility. The Sierra Vista
Herald reported Monday that the teen pleaded guilty to one count each of
promoting terrorism and possession of a prohibited weapon. Cochise County
Deputy Attorney Doyle Johnstun said a disposition of his case indicates he will
go to the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections. The teen won’t stay there
beyond his 18th birthday. In an email, Johnstun said his release date will be
up to the corrections department. The boy was arrested in May 2021 after
authorities found a pipe bomb and preparation for a second in a back room of
the home he shares with his mother and older brother. He was already on the
FBI’s radar because of terrorism-related social media posts. Prosecutors wanted
him tried as an adult. His attorney, Xochitl Orozco, argued his client should
be tried as a juvenile because of his age, autism and other mental issues.”




Al Jazeera: Syria Prison Attack Shows ISIL ‘Absolutely’ Growing Stronger
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“…Counter Extremism Project analyst Gregory Waters told Al Jazeera ISIL in
Syria is “absolutely” growing stronger. “The fact that we’re at a point where
ISIS can do this, has shown just how … much they’ve grown back from where they
were in 2019,” Waters said. For Waters and other researchers, this attack and
sustained strength shown by the armed group is far from surprising. Middle East
Institute Fellow Vera Mironova highlighted while the international community
turned its back on Syria, ISIL did not go anywhere. “There is nothing new in
what has happened, we absolutely know how active they are … It’s just a logical
next step, it’s not a breakthrough,” Mironova told Al Jazeera.”




The New York Times: Threatened And Beaten, Afghan Women Defy Taliban With
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“On a raw January morning, Khujasta Elham trudged through a snowstorm to sign
her name on a government register. Before the Taliban seized power in August,
Ms. Elham was director of women’s programs for Afghanistan’s Civil Service
Commission. But she and most other female government workers were prevented
from returning to work by the Taliban’s new Islamic Emirate. Now Ms. Elham, who
says she has not been paid since August, is required to sign in at her old job
site once a month — a fiction that allows the Taliban to deny that they have
fired female government workers. The grim routine also diminishes any hope for
Ms. Elham that she will one day return to work. The dismissal of female workers
is one of many indignities that have prompted small bands of women like Ms.
Elham to take to the streets in protest, risking beatings or arrest. Taliban
gunmen have pointed weapons at the demonstrators, sprayed them with pepper
spray and called them “whores” and “puppets of the West,” Human Rights Watch
said. Bearing placards and raising their fists, the women have resisted
persistent attempts to erase them from public life.”


Associated Press: Taliban Talks In Oslo Enter Last Day With Bilateral Format
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“The last day of talks between the Taliban and western diplomats has begun in
Oslo with a bilateral meeting with Norwegian government officials focused
largely on the humanitarian situation in Afghanistan. The three-day talks
opened on Sunday with talks between the Taliban and members of Afghan civil
society, followed on Monday by multilateral talks with western diplomats the
EU, the U.S., Britain, France, Italy and hosts Norway. Bilateral talks with all
parties including independent humanitarian organisations are expected on
Tuesday. The closed-door meetings are taking place at a hotel in the
snow-capped mountains above the Norwegian capital and are expected to cover
everything from education to humanitarian aid to greater inclusivity. They come
at a crucial time for Afghanistan as freezing temperatures are compounding
misery from the downward spiral that has come with the fall of the U.S.-backed
government and the Taliban takeover.”




Associated Press: Gunmen Kill Pakistani Policeman Guarding Polio Workers
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“Gunmen shot and killed a Pakistani policeman who was providing security for
polio vaccination workers in the northwest on Tuesday, according to police. The
assailants fled the scene, and no one claimed responsibility for the attack in
Kohat, local police official Dikdar Khan said. He added that the body of the
slain policeman had been transported to a hospital. No polio workers were
harmed in the attack, police said, a day after Pakistan launched a nationwide
anti-polio campaign. Militants in Pakistan often target polio teams and police
assigned to protect them, falsely claiming the vaccination campaigns are a
Western conspiracy to sterilize children. Militants have claimed responsibility
for previous attacks across the country.”


Saudi Arabia


Arab News: Saudi Arabia Leads Condemnation Of Houthi Missile Attacks On Abu
Dhabi, Kingdom <[link removed]>


“Saudi Arabia’s foreign ministry condemned “repeated” Houthi attacks on
civilians and vital facilities in the south of the Kingdom and Abu Dhabi. The
UAE’s defense ministry said it had shot down two Houthi missiles targeting Abu
Dhabi on Monday with no casualties reported. The ministry affirmed its “full
readiness to deal with any threats,” adding that it will “take all necessary
measures to protect the UAE from any attacks.” The shootdown of the missiles
was aided by “close UAE-US cooperation,” Emirati Ambassador to the US Yousef
Al-Otaiba said. Al-Otaiba added that the “next step is to shut off financial
and arms flows from their backers,” and he renewed a call for US President Joe
Biden's administration to restore the Houthis to the US list of foreign
terrorist groups. US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met with Al-Otaiba
and Saudi Ambassador to the United States Princess Reema bint Bandar to discuss
ways to hold the Houthis accountable, a White House statement said. Mr.
Sullivan reiterated the US’ commitment to the security of both the UAE and
Saudi Arabia, the statement added.”


Asharq Al-Awsat: Houthi Attempted Attacks against Saudi Arabia, UAE Are Widely
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“Arab and Islamic countries slammed on Monday the Iran-backed Houthi militias
for their repeated attempts to attack Saudi Arabia and the United Arab
Emirates. They stressed that they support all measures the countries take to
preserve the security and stability of their citizens and residents. Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) Secretary General Dr. Nayef al-Hajraf said the
Houthis' insistence on carrying out such attacks reflects their blatant
defiance of the international community and undermining of international laws
and norms. He said it demonstrates the militias' rejection of all efforts aimed
at achieving peace in Yemen. He called on the international community to assume
its responsibilities and take decisive stance against the Houthis so that they
will halt their terrorist acts that target civilians and vital facilities. He
hailed the high efficiency of the Saudi air defenses and UAE Defense Ministry
that intercepted the Houthi ballistic missile attacks.”


Middle East


Associated Press: Stone-Throwing Israeli Settlers Attack Palestinian Village
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“Israeli settlers drove through a Palestinian village in the occupied West
Bank on Monday, throwing rocks through the windows of vehicles and businesses
and injuring a teenager, a Palestinian official said. It was the latest in a
series of settler attacks in recent months. On Friday, settlers attacked
Palestinians and Israeli peace activists in the West Bank and set a car on
fire. Last month, a settler was shot and killed by a Palestinian gunman,
setting off revenge attacks. The Israeli military confirmed the incident on
Monday, saying the Israelis had caused “significant damage” and that police
have opened an investigation. Ghassan Daghlas, a Palestinian Authority
official, said a Palestinian teenager was taken to the hospital after being
struck in the head by a stone. He said the teenager was “lightly wounded.”
Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz released a statement saying anyone who
throws stones or lights cars on fire “is a terrorist and will be treated as




Arab News: Egypt To Run For Global Counterterrorism Forum Presidency
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“Egypt has said it intends to run for the presidency of the Global
Counterterrorism Forum during a meeting of its coordination committee in March.
The Foreign Ministry said the decision reflects Cairo’s keenness to contribute
to strengthening international efforts to combat terrorism. Egypt is one of the
founding countries of the forum, which was established in 2011 and has 30
member states. It cooperates closely with regional and international
organizations, including the UN. Egypt has co-chaired the Capacity-building in
the East Africa Region Working Group with the EU since 2017 within the forum’s


Asharq Al-Awsat: Egypt's Sisi Underlines 'Great Achievement' In Eliminating
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“Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi underlined the “great achievement” in
eliminating terrorism across the country. He said Egypt’s ultimate goal is to
preserve its survival, maintain security and provide safety for citizens. Sisi
was speaking during the 70th Police Day celebrations at the Police Academy in
New Cairo, which coincided with the 11th anniversary of the January Revolution
that ousted former President Hosni Mubarak. Police Day marks the anniversary of
the Ismailiyah Battle in 1952 when Egyptian police officers refused to hand
over their weapons to the British occupation and evacuate the Ismailiyah
governorate building. Sisi said the “glorious” battle embodies police heroism
and the values of sacrifice, redemption and courage in defense of the homeland.
He saluted the police martyrs and their families and hailed their sacrifices to
ensure 100 million citizens could live in peace, security and progress. He
praised the national role played by police officers and the armed forces to
maintain security and stability across the country and achieve the aspired
comprehensive development.”




Reuters: Mali Asks Denmark To Immediately Withdraw Troops Deployed There
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“Mali's government said on Monday it had asked Denmark to immediately withdraw
troops deployed to the West African nation as part of a French-led
counter-terrorism task force because it was not consulted and the deployment
failed to follow protocol. "The government of Mali notes with astonishment, the
deployment on its territory of a contingent of Danish special forces within the
Takuba force," the government said in a statement. It said the deployment took
place without its consent, and without consideration of the additional protocol
applicable to the task force, adding that Denmark should immediately withdraw
the troops. The statement said all partners in the task force needed a prior
accord with the government before deployments in Mali. The decision comes amid
tension between Mali and its international partners including regional bodies
and the European Union that have sanctioned Mali after the transitional
government failed to organise elections following two military coups.”




CBC News: Canadian Academic Hassan Diab Goes To Trial Next Year In French
Terrorism Case
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“France's case against Ottawa academic Hassan Diab in connection with a
bombing outside a Paris synagogue 40 years ago will go to trial in 2023 — more
than five years after he was set free due to a lack of evidence. Last year,
France's court of appeal overturned a lower court decision to release Diab and
allow him to return to Canada. France's top court later rejected Diab's appeal
and ordered him to stand trial. That trial is set to start on April 3, 2023.
French authorities have not yet requested Diab's extradition to France to stand
trial in person. Diab's lawyers have said he could be tried in absentia. Diab's
lawyer in France, Amélie Lefebvre, declined to comment on the latest
developments. "It is way too soon to discuss them," she said in an email.
French prosecutors have persisted in their attempts to bring Diab to trial —
despite problems with the physical evidence central to their case and the
discovery by French investigators that Diab wasn't even in Paris on the day of
the bombing, but was in Lebanon writing university exams. Diab's supporters say
France's dismissal of his alibi and the weak case against him amounts to a
travesty of justice.”




Al Jazeera: German Woman On Trial For Joining ISIL, Enslaving A Yazidi Woman
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“A German woman who travelled to Syria as a 15-year-old to join the ISIL
(ISIS) armed group has gone on trial accused of aiding and abetting crimes
against humanity. Leonora Messing, now aged 21, faced the court on Tuesday in
the eastern German city of Halle on suspicion that she and her ISIL husband
enslaved a Yazidi woman in Syria in 2015. During the course of the trial,
scheduled to last until at least mid-May and being held behind closed doors,
Messing will also face charges of membership of an armed group and weapons law
violations. The high-profile case has prompted soul searching in Germany about
how a teenage girl from a small town became indoctrinated and joined the ISIL
cause. Messing ran away from her home in Sangerhausen for the ISIL-controlled
part of Syria in March 2015.”


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