Missouri Net News [link removed] Spring Retreat Opportunity
Make plans to pause and get away this Lenten season. Join us March 31 to April 2 at Unity Village for rest, renewal and reflection. Invite your local church leadership team to experience this time apart together. Learn more and sign up at [link removed] www.moumethodist.org/soulconnections
New Virtual Discussion Course Available
Thinking Theologically provides intellectual renewal through small group, discussion-based courses focused on a single concept, theory or reading. This March, join facilitator Rev. Rodney Aist on an exploration of place in the three-part series Home and Away: A Christian Theology of Place. This virtual class takes a nuanced approach to sacred places, explores the theological distinctions between space and place, and discusses the spirituality of differentiated places. Learn more and sign up at [link removed] www.moumethodist.org/thinkingtheologically
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Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church
3601 Amron Court, Columbia, MO 65202 | Phone 573-441-1770 | www.moumethodist.org
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