
Spring Retreat Opportunity

Make plans to pause and get away this Lenten season. Join us March 31 to April 2 at Unity Village for rest, renewal and reflection. Invite your local church leadership team to experience this time apart together. Learn more and sign up at

New Virtual Discussion Course Available

Thinking Theologically provides intellectual renewal through small group, discussion-based courses focused on a single concept, theory or reading. This March, join facilitator Rev. Rodney Aist on an exploration of place in the three-part series Home and Away: A Christian Theology of Place. This virtual class takes a nuanced approach to sacred places, explores the theological distinctions between space and place, and discusses the spirituality of differentiated places. Learn more and sign up at


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Missouri Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church

3601 Amron Court, Columbia, MO 65202 | Phone 573-441-1770 |


Missouri Annual Conference

The Missouri Methodists

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