[ [link removed] ][IMG]
✅ 1 million donors
✅ 3.3 million donations
✅ $19 average donation
✅ Working class donors
✅ Transforming the country
❌ Super PACs
❌ Big-dollar fundraisers
❌ $2,800 max-out checks
❌ Health insurance executives
❌ Nothing will fundamentally change
The differences between us and our opponents are clear. Here’s the problem: all of us have a big end-of-month fundraising deadline Thursday at midnight. Every campaign has big goals to reach… and they’ll reach their goals a lot easier with big money.
So it’s up to us to do all we can to stretch towards our goals for Thursday’s fundraising deadline. Are you in?
Please contribute to our campaign right now before tomorrow’s midnight end-of-month fundraising deadline and we’ll reach our goals, build our working class campaign, and transform our country.
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We don’t have a single billionaire who’s donated to our campaign. We’ll never have a super PAC. That’s because we have something NO other campaign will have: All of us.
In solidarity,
Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager
CONTRIBUTE: [link removed]
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