
✅ 1 million donors

✅ 3.3 million donations

✅ $19 average donation

✅ Working class donors

Transforming the country


❌ Super PACs

❌ Big-dollar fundraisers

❌ $2,800 max-out checks

❌ Health insurance executives

Nothing will fundamentally change

Friends: The differences between us and our opponents are clear. Here’s the problem: all of us have a big end-of-month fundraising deadline Thursday at midnight. Every campaign has big goals to reach… and they’ll reach their goals a lot easier with big money.

So it’s up to us to do all we can to stretch towards our goals for Thursday’s fundraising deadline. Are you in?

Please contribute $2.70 to our campaign right now before tomorrow’s midnight end-of-month fundraising deadline and we’ll reach our goals, build our working class campaign, and transform our country.

We don’t have a single billionaire who’s donated to our campaign. We’ll never have a super PAC. That’s because we have something NO other campaign will have: All of us.

In solidarity,

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager