WRI is at the heart of many conversations at COP26.
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Explore WRI’s COP26 Resource Hub, where our experts are tracking developments, sharing ideas and providing analysis to unpack what’s at stake and critical areas for progress. Explore the hub now
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WRI is at the heart of many conversations at COP26. Tune in to an upcoming event or a recorded webinar with WRI researchers and other renowned experts at this year's climate negotiations. Visit our full event list of events
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Navigating the Transition to Zero Carbon Buildings
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Monday, November 1
16:00 - 17:30 GMT | 12:00 - 1:30pm EDT
Buildings Pavilion | Watch Onlne
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The Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction and WRI host a joint event to announce the Buildings as a Critical Climate Solution commitment and showcase countries developing roadmaps to implement these ambitious goals.
WRI Speaker: Jennifer Layke
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Land & Carbon Lab Launch
Monday, November 1
17:00-18:30 GMT
Nature Pavilion
WRI’s new Land & Carbon Lab initiative is harnessing the data revolution to monitor the pulse of the planet’s land and its nature-based carbon. Learn more
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WRI Speaker: Ani Dasgupta
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Parched Power: Assessing Physical Climate Risks for Power Generation Project Portfolios
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Tuesday, November 2
10:00 - 10:25 GMT | 6:00 - 6:25am EDT
Water Pavilion | Watch the Livestream
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Speakers will introduce a cost-effective yet comprehensive framework for assessing physical climate risks for power generation project portfolios, co-developed by WRI and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
WRI Speaker: Tianyi Luo
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How Cities are Inspiring Nations, Companies, and Financiers to Embrace Forest Action
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Tuesday, November 2
11:00 - 12:30 GMT | 7:00 - 8:30am EDT
Nature Zone | Register Here and Watch Online
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Mayors from around the world and global actors respond to the Cities4Forests "Call to Action on Forests and Climate" by increasing their commitments to forest action for climate mitigation and adaptation, pledging to work with cities on forest issues, and sharing the most impactful forest-related plans, policies, and investments. Learn more
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WRI Speaker: Craig Hanson
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Public Policies and Private Investment for Conservation and Landscape Restoration in Latin America
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Tuesday, November 2
13:00 - 14:15 GMT | 9:00 - 10:15am EDT
European Investment Bank Pavilion, Blue Zone | Register Here and Watch Online
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A free-flowing discussion between ministers and CEOs of impact investment firms on aligning public policies with private investment to promote the conservation and restoration of land in Latin American and the Caribbean. The panel will be in English with live interpretation in Spanish.
WRI Contact: Walter Vergara
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A New Phase for AFR100: Accelerating Africa’s Locally Led Land Restoration Movement
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Tuesday, November 2
13:00 – 14:30 GMT | 14:00-15:30 WAT | 15:00-16:30 CAT | 16:00-17:30 EAT
Nature Zone | Register Here and Watch Online
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Join African heads-of-state, investors, and implementers for the launch of the second phase of AFR100 – featuring concrete investment commitments – and a look at the top locally led African tree restoration projects. Learn more
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WRI Speaker: Ani Dasgupta
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, Wanjira Mathai
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Adaptation Action Coalition COP26 Event
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Tuesday, November 2
17:30 – 18:30 GMT | 1:30-2:30pm EDT
Resilience Hub | Register Here and Watch Online
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A high-level event focused on taking a whole of society approach to resilience and adaption action, as well as a Ministerial session where Ministers will announce commitments to adaptation action. Learn more
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WRI Speaker: Ani Dasgupta
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Our Obsession With Technology Will Slow Down the Green Transition
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Wednesday, November 3
15:00 – 15:50 GMT | 11:00-11:50am EDT
NYTimes Climate Hub | Register Here and Watch Online
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Technological innovation is so often presented as the silver bullet of global solutions. But does it account for the more complex picture we need to build lasting solutions, or can it continue learning from itself until we reach net zero?
WRI Speaker: Ulka Kelkar
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Climate, Clean Air and Health: An Integrated Approach
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Thursday, November 4
09:30 – 10:30 GMT | 5:30-6:30am EDT
NDC Partnership Pavilion | Watch Online
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The “end of tailpipe, top of smokestack” approach will not be enough to stem the tide of emissions that is warming the atmosphere and causing a global public health crisis - we also need a forward-looking approach that builds clean air into public investment, urban planning, infrastructure and service finance.
WRI Speaker: Stientje van Veldhoven
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The Role of Energy Efficient Buildings on the Path to Net-Zero: Strategies for Policy Makers
Thursday, November 4
13:30-14:45 GMT
GEF Pavilion | In person, badge required
This event will present opportunities from the next generation of energy efficiency in the built environment to accelerate progress toward net-zero goals.
WRI Speaker: Jennifer Layke
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Building Resilience in the Age of Water Stress
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Thursday, November 4
14:00-15:30 GMT | 10:00-11:30am EDT
Virtual Only | Register Here and Watch Online
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This event will explore the science, risk analytics, resilience opportunities, and government approaches to water stress management.
WRI Speaker: Tianyi Luo
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The Role of Private Equity and Finance in Advancing Building Decarbonization
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Thursday, November 4
15:00–16:00 GMT | 11:00am-12:00pm EDT
ICC Make Climate Action Everyone’s Business Forum | Request Free Invitation and Watch Online
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This virtual panel discussion will explore strategies for private equity firms and financial institutions to accelerate decarbonization and improve resilience across their building portfolios.
WRI Speaker: Clay Nesler
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Step-by-Step: Priorities for the Transition to Net Zero
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Thursday, November 4
16:00–16:50 GMT | 12:00-12:50pm EDT
NYTimes Climate Hub | Register Here and Watch Online
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Thinkers from various academic disciplines contextualize the climate debate within a history of climate events, behavioral change and ideas, presenting a more provocative, radical lens through which to consider the COP26 climate agendas.
WRI Speaker: Ani Dasgupta
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Aligning Finance with the Paris Agreement and Unlocking $100 Billion
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Thursday, November 4
16:00–17:00 GMT | 12:00-1:00pm EDT
Virtual Only | Register Here and Watch Online
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Speakers will explore the challenges and opportunities of aligning development finance with climate objectives, the critical role of export credit agencies and development banks, the post-2025 climate finance target, and the potential of national policy in unlocking international finance.
WRI Speaker: Carolyn Neunuebel
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EEIST Transformative Energy Innovation Dialogues
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Energy Innovation Dialogues
Thursday, November 4
19:30 - 21:00 GMT | 3:30 - 5:00pm EDT
UK Pavilion | Watch Online
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World leading experts in complexity economics, systems thinking, and energy policy will launch the Economics of Energy Innovation and System Transition (EEIST) flagship report: The New Economics of Innovation and Transition.
WRI Speaker: Chirag Gajjar
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Nature Based Solutions for Climate Action in Latin America
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Friday, November 5
11:00-12:30 GMT | 7:00-8:30am EDT
GLF Climate, University of Glasgow | Register Here and Watch Online
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An open discussion between ministers and CEOs of impact investment firms on the strategies, opportunities and challenges of using of land based actions for climate mitigation and adaptation.
WRI Speaker: Ani Dasgupta
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Resilient Water Accelerator and African Urban Water Resilience at the Water Action Event
Friday, November 5
11:30-14:30 GMT
Water Pavilion | In-person-event, badge required
WRI Speaker: Wanjira Mathai
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The Triple Win Scenario: Catalyzing Action for Clean Air, Health and Climate
Friday, November 5
17:00–18:00 GMT
Health Pavilion, Blue Zone | In person, badge required
Join Maria Neira of the WHO and WRI's Ani Dasgupta along with youth and civil society representatives for a conversation on the synergies between climate, public health and air quality action.
WRI Speaker: Ani Dasgupta
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No 'Net Zero' Without Nature: How committed are countries to transform land and food systems
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Saturday, November 6
13:00-14:30 GMT | 9:00-10:30am EDT
Nature Pavilion, Blue Zone | Watch Online
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Join this high-level panel discussion for the launch of a new report from the Food and Land Use coalition (FOLU), analysing NDCs from a land use and nature perspective.
WRI Speakers: Ani Dasgupta
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, Craig Hanson
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Committing to Nature: Nature based-solutions for climate-positive cities
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Saturday, November 6
14:30–17:30 GMT | 10:30am-1:30pm
Glasgow City Council Chambers | Register Here and Watch Online
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Hosted by Councillor Susan Aitken of Glasgow City Council, Cities4Forests, TreesAI, and CitiesWithNature will present the cases and commitments of Glasgow and many other cities as leaders in charge to incorporate nature-based solutions in their climate action plans to help cities achieve its environmental, social and economic goals.
WRI Contacts: James Anderson
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, John-Rob Pool
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Resilience as the Middle Ground: Aligning NbS and Adaptation Communities
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Saturday, November 6
15:00-16:30 GMT | 11:00am-12:30pm EDT
Resilience Hub | Register Here and Watch Online
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The session will explore ways that the nature-based solutions (NbS) and adaptation communities can collaborate to advance NbS for adaptation projects.
WRI Speakers: Craig Hanson
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, Rebecca Carter
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Localising NDCs and Supporting City Action for a 1.5 Degree World and a Green and Just Recovery
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Saturday, November 6
18:30-19:45 GMT | 2:30-3:45pm EDT
Blue Zone | Livestream to be Confirmed
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This session - co-hosted by GIZ, C40 Cities and Coalition for Urban Transitions/WRI - will highlight the challenges for decarbonization, climate finance and cooperation strategies from a multi-level perspective, comprising both the national and local levels.
WRI Speaker: Ani Dasgupta
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