WRI is at the heart of many conversations at COP26. Tune in to an upcoming event or a recorded webinar with WRI researchers and other renowned experts at this year's climate negotiations. Visit our full event list of events.
The Role of Energy Efficient Buildings on the Path to Net-Zero: Strategies for Policy Makers
Thursday, November 4
13:30-14:45 GMT
GEF Pavilion | In person, badge required
This event will present opportunities from the next generation of energy efficiency in the built environment to accelerate progress toward net-zero goals.
WRI Speaker: Jennifer Layke
Resilient Water Accelerator and African Urban Water Resilience at the Water Action Event
Friday, November 5
11:30-14:30 GMT
Water Pavilion | In-person-event, badge required
WRI Speaker: Wanjira Mathai
The Triple Win Scenario: Catalyzing Action for Clean Air, Health and Climate
Friday, November 5
17:00–18:00 GMT
Health Pavilion, Blue Zone | In person, badge required
Join Maria Neira of the WHO and WRI's Ani Dasgupta along with youth and civil society representatives for a conversation on the synergies between climate, public health and air quality action.
WRI Speaker: Ani Dasgupta