I want to reach out and thank you personally for helping me have such a successful end to the third quarter of 2021. While our biggest challenges lie ahead as my re-election campaign heats up and we see how our district will shift, I know I have the team I need behind me.
Representing New York in Congress -- and being the only Black woman to represent New York in Washington -- is such an honor, and we have so much work left to do. From ending the filibuster to get meaningful legislation to President Biden’s desk to advocating for more equity in housing and broadband access, we can’t stop our fight.
If you’re ready for whatever the next few months has in store for us, let me know!
Thanks so much,
Rep. Yvette D. Clarke
P.S. if you really want to help me kick off my re-election campaign on a strong note, consider making a recurring monthly donation to our campaign.
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