From Precious Life <[email protected]>
Subject πŸ“ƒπŸ“ƒπŸ“ƒNew Precious Life leaflet exposes Pro-Abortion Politicians
Date August 26, 2021 5:29 PM
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ACT NOW - order your leaflets todayπŸ“ƒπŸ“ƒπŸ“ƒ

** e-News from Precious Life
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Watch Bernadette Smyth live-streamed from outside Newry Abortion Centre

Hi John,
Precious Life were 'a voice for the unborn child' outside the baby-killing centres again this week - in Belfast, Coleraine, Derry and Newry
Come along and join us this coming week as we continue offering help and life-affirming alternatives to women outside these abortion centres.

You can also join us In Belfast this Saturday for our weekly Street Outreach - collecting signatures from the public for our REPEAL SECTION 9 Campaign and distributing our pro-life information.

Give us a call on 02890278484 (tel:02890278484) or email [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]?subject=Street%20Outreach) .

Best regards,

The Precious Life Communications Team
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Precious Life new leaflet exposes Pro-Abortion Politicians

The next Election for the Northern Ireland Assembly is due to be held in May 2022 - that's only 9 months away - so it's vital that people ACT NOW to challenge the Politicians. Distribute our leaflet to your family, friends, church, and community.

Order yours TODAY... ([link removed])

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Department of Health kills 1556 babies, then lectures us on what is "pro-life"

FACT CHECKED - Northern Ireland Department of Health statement claiming that Covid-19 vaccines are "pro-life"

Read Full Story... ([link removed])

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Sarah Louise Dunn’s Tragic Abortion Story is Being Ignored. Here’s Why...

Most of the media are obsessively interested in any story around abortion - but only if the story fits a certain narrative. That might explain the lack of coverage around the death of a young women who died of sepsis after an abortion...

Read full story... ([link removed])

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Bishops say Catholics Can Refuse Abortion-tainted Covid-19 Vaccinations

Bishops of South Dakota and Colorado say accepting Covid-19 vaccines " NOT a universal moral duty.”

Read full story... ([link removed])

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