e-News from Precious Life

Watch Bernadette Smyth live-streamed from outside Newry Abortion Centre

Hi John,

Precious Life were 'a voice for the unborn child' outside the baby-killing centres again this week - in Belfast, Coleraine, Derry and Newry
Come along and join us this coming week as we continue offering help and life-affirming alternatives to women outside these abortion centres.

You can also join us In Belfast this Saturday for our weekly Street Outreach - collecting signatures from the public for our REPEAL SECTION 9 Campaign and distributing our pro-life information.

Give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

Best regards,

The Precious Life Communications Team
Precious Life new leaflet exposes Pro-Abortion Politicians

The next Election for the Northern Ireland Assembly is due to be held in May 2022 - that's only 9 months away - so it's vital that people ACT NOW to challenge the Politicians. Distribute our leaflet to your family, friends, church, and community.

Order yours TODAY...

Department of Health kills 1556 babies, then lectures us on what is "pro-life"

 FACT CHECKED - Northern Ireland Department of Health statement claiming that Covid-19 vaccines are "pro-life"

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Sarah Louise Dunn’s Tragic Abortion Story is Being Ignored. Here’s Why...

Most of the media are obsessively interested in any story around abortion - but only if the story fits a certain narrative. That might explain the lack of coverage around the death of a young women who died of sepsis after an abortion...

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Bishops say Catholics Can Refuse Abortion-tainted Covid-19 Vaccinations

Bishops of South Dakota and Colorado say accepting Covid-19 vaccines "...is NOT a universal moral duty.”

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