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** October 18, 2019 [link removed] [link removed] [link removed] [link removed] [link removed]
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The Late Great State of California ([link removed])
by Jeffrey Harding ([link removed])
California is now the most taxed and regulated state in the nation. Not surprisingly, life here is becoming less affordable, and less profitable.
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President's Impact Report — Third Quarter 2019 ([link removed]-—-third-quarter-2019)
by Mises Institute ([link removed])
The latest developments from the Mises Institute.
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If People Can't Be Trusted with Market Freedom, They Also Can't Be Trusted with the Vote ([link removed])
by Arkadiusz Sieroń ([link removed])
Behavioral economists say that since individuals are irrational, we need more state intervention in the economy. However, their criticism can be turned around: if individuals are irrational, government power is especially dangerous.
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Why the State Can't Claim Our "Implied Consent" ([link removed])
by Andrew Kern ([link removed])
The given explanations for "implied consent" to government rule would never pass muster if applied to any private-sector organization.
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The Fairness of "Unequal" Exchange ([link removed])
by Jim Fedako ([link removed])
When an elected official or government bureaucrat interferes with a valid, non-coerced exchange, they may appear to be helping one individual when they are actually harming a foundation of modern society; free exchange of goods and services.
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