October 18, 2019        

The Late Great State of California
by Jeffrey Harding

California is now the most taxed and regulated state in the nation. Not surprisingly, life here is becoming less affordable, and less profitable.

President's Impact Report — Third Quarter 2019
by Mises Institute

The latest developments from the Mises Institute.

If People Can't Be Trusted with Market Freedom, They Also Can't Be Trusted with the Vote

Behavioral economists say that since individuals are irrational, we need more state intervention in the economy. However, their criticism can be turned around: if individuals are irrational, government power is especially dangerous.

The given explanations for "implied consent" to government rule would never pass muster if applied to any private-sector organization.

When an elected official or government bureaucrat interferes with a valid, non-coerced exchange, they may appear to be helping one individual when they are actually harming a foundation of modern society; free exchange of goods and services.


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