It's fueling the Beautiful, Horrifying, Red Sunsets
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"Destroying rainforest for economic gain is like burning a Renaissance painting to cook a meal." - E. O. Wilson
* TOMORROW, Friday Aug. 13, 12-1pm: Milwaukee's DAY OF ACTION
* September 350MKE Meeting
Acting once gets a smile, persistence gets change!
350 Milwaukee
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350MKE Fridays for Future
TOMORROW, Friday, August 13
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Chase & Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave. at Water St ([link removed]) .
Masks and Physical Distancing
We're talking about the money pipeline to Enbridge that
supports and enables Line 3
Enbridge Line 3 is:
* A new pipeline transporting TAR SANDS OIL ([link removed]) to Superior WI
+ It will have double the capacity of the old Line 3
* An enabler of BIG increases of GHGs - Tar sands oil is the dirtiestl
* A Violation of Indigenous Treaty Rights
* Destructive to:
+ Extensive areas of Boreal Forest, Rivers, Wetlands, Habitat, Oceans, and the atmosphere!
* An expansion of oil capacity when we need serious reduction!
+ Read the August 2021 IPCC Report on Climate Change
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On Friday, August 13th, activists around the country will organize actions & protests at the branches, offices, and headquarters of the banks funding Enbridge Line 3.
In Milwaukee that is at Wisconsin Ave & Water St
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Ahead of the Glasgow Climate Talks, ([link removed]) Line 3 is a litmus test for Wall Street. Either major banks stop funding the toxic Line 3 pipeline, or their climate promises aren’t worth the paper they are written.
On Friday, August 13th, activists around the country will deliver that message to the banks funding Line 3.
Will you be
there with us?
RSVP NOW! ([link removed])
350 Milwaukee Meeting
Tuesday, September 14, 7 - 8:30pm
We've reserved a place for you at our
Zoom Meeting ([link removed])
The Climate Consensus:
How UWM Scientists are Bringing the Climate Conversation to You
Clark Evans
UWM Professor of Atmospheric Sciences
Andrew Westgate
PhD Candidate, UWM
The Climate Consensus ([link removed])
A network of concerned scientists speaking up for truth and our future
Our vision is to close the consensus gap between experts and non-experts on the subject of human-caused climate change by promoting effective dialog between scientists and the community. Our mission is to empower current and upcoming scientists to engage in climate change outreach. We are establishing pipelines between social and physical scientists and creating a culture shift within academia and the broader science community.
Time: Tuesday, September 14, 7 - 8:30pm
Join Zoom Meeting: [link removed]
Meeting ID: 886 6972 1077
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Find your local number: [link removed]
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