350MKE Fridays for Future
TOMORROW, Friday, August 13
12:00 - 1:00 pm
Chase & Wells Fargo Banks
Wisconsin Ave. at Water St.
Masks and Physical Distancing
We're talking about the money pipeline to Enbridge that
supports and enables Line 3
Enbridge Line 3 is:
- A new pipeline transporting TAR SANDS OIL to Superior WI
- It will have double the capacity of the old Line 3
- An enabler of BIG increases of GHGs - Tar sands oil is the dirtiestl
- A Violation of Indigenous Treaty Rights
- Destructive to:
- Extensive areas of Boreal Forest, Rivers, Wetlands, Habitat, Oceans, and the atmosphere!
- An expansion of oil capacity when we need serious reduction!
- Read the August 2021 IPCC Report on Climate Change
On Friday, August 13th, activists around the country will organize actions & protests at the branches, offices, and headquarters of the banks funding Enbridge Line 3.
In Milwaukee that is at Wisconsin Ave & Water St
Ahead of the Glasgow Climate Talks, Line 3 is a litmus test for Wall Street. Either major banks stop funding the toxic Line 3 pipeline, or their climate promises aren’t worth the paper they are written.
On Friday, August 13th, activists around the country will deliver that message to the banks funding Line 3.
Will you be
there with us?