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** Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 16 October
In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.
** Secularism in the media
* Dean of Westminster Abbey calls for more state-funded Muslim schools <[link removed]>
The outgoing dean of Westminster Abbey has called for "a substantial number of state-funded Muslim schools" in a service attended by the queen.
Church Times
* Petitioners demand BBC removes expose on how Iraqi Muslim clerics sell young girls for sex <[link removed]>
More than 17,000 people have demanded the BBC take down a documentary about young Iraqi girls being sold for sex - calling it 'disrespectful' to law-abiding Shia Muslims.
Mail Online
* Gay men pardoned as new law comes into force in Scotland <[link removed]>
Gay men prosecuted under outdated laws can apply to have their convictions erased as new legislation comes into force in Scotland.
The Herald
* Petition asks Lancashire school to end religious selection of pupils <[link removed]>
A petition has been launched calling on a Lancaster school to end religious selection.
Lancaster Guardian
* Hate crimes recorded by police up 10% <[link removed]>
There has been a 10% rise in hate crimes recorded by police in England and Wales.
* 'Rise in homophobic attacks' in Birmingham after anti-LGBT teaching protests, says head <[link removed]>
The headteacher at the centre of a row over inclusive teaching told a court there had been 333% rise in homophobic attacks in a part of Birmingham, blaming the surge on protests outside her school.
The Guardian
* Scottish government chief launches hate crime crackdown <[link removed]>
Scotland's communities secretary has laid out a plan to combat racism , sectarianism and bigotry.
Daily Record
* Uganda denies plans to impose death penalty for gay sex amid global concern <[link removed]>
Uganda will not impose the death penalty for gay sex, a presidential spokesman said on Monday, after major aid donors said they were monitoring a plan by the African nation to reintroduce a bill colloquially known as 'Kill the Gays'.
* 300 young men are freed from another Nigerian Islamic boarding school where they were chained up and raped <[link removed]>
More than 300 young men have been freed from a second Nigerian Islamic boarding school where they were chained up and raped, following a similar raid last month.
Mail Online
* Australia’s high court rules female genital mutilation illegal in all forms <[link removed]>
Three people charged with FGM offences against two primary school-aged sisters could face further punishment after Australia's high court ruled a New South Wales court had erred in quashing their convictions.
ABC News (Australia)
* US right reacts badly after Democratic presidential candidate proposes revoking anti-LGBT churches’ tax status <[link removed]>
Republicans in the US have reacted badly after Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke proposed ending the tax-exempt status of anti-LGBTQ churches and nonprofits.
LGBTQ Nation
** Latest from the NSS
* Anti-RSE campaigns: guidance is welcome, but schools need more support <[link removed]>
The government has published new guidance for schools facing disruption from religious groups who oppose LGBT-inclusive education. Alastair Lichten welcomes the gesture but says the substance doesn't go far enough.
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