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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Wednesday 16 October


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Secularism in the media


Dean of Westminster Abbey calls for more state-funded Muslim schools

The outgoing dean of Westminster Abbey has called for "a substantial number of state-funded Muslim schools" in a service attended by the queen.

Church Times


Petitioners demand BBC removes expose on how Iraqi Muslim clerics sell young girls for sex

More than 17,000 people have demanded the BBC take down a documentary about young Iraqi girls being sold for sex - calling it 'disrespectful' to law-abiding Shia Muslims.

Mail Online


Gay men pardoned as new law comes into force in Scotland

Gay men prosecuted under outdated laws can apply to have their convictions erased as new legislation comes into force in Scotland.

The Herald


Petition asks Lancashire school to end religious selection of pupils

A petition has been launched calling on a Lancaster school to end religious selection.

Lancaster Guardian


Hate crimes recorded by police up 10%

There has been a 10% rise in hate crimes recorded by police in England and Wales.



'Rise in homophobic attacks' in Birmingham after anti-LGBT teaching protests, says head

The headteacher at the centre of a row over inclusive teaching told a court there had been 333% rise in homophobic attacks in a part of Birmingham, blaming the surge on protests outside her school.

The Guardian


Scottish government chief launches hate crime crackdown

Scotland's communities secretary has laid out a plan to combat racism , sectarianism and bigotry.

Daily Record


Uganda denies plans to impose death penalty for gay sex amid global concern

Uganda will not impose the death penalty for gay sex, a presidential spokesman said on Monday, after major aid donors said they were monitoring a plan by the African nation to reintroduce a bill colloquially known as 'Kill the Gays'.



300 young men are freed from another Nigerian Islamic boarding school where they were chained up and raped

More than 300 young men have been freed from a second Nigerian Islamic boarding school where they were chained up and raped, following a similar raid last month.

Mail Online


Australia’s high court rules female genital mutilation illegal in all forms

Three people charged with FGM offences against two primary school-aged sisters could face further punishment after Australia's high court ruled a New South Wales court had erred in quashing their convictions.

ABC News (Australia)


US right reacts badly after Democratic presidential candidate proposes revoking anti-LGBT churches’ tax status

Republicans in the US have reacted badly after Democratic presidential candidate Beto O'Rourke proposed ending the tax-exempt status of anti-LGBTQ churches and nonprofits.

LGBTQ Nation


Latest from the NSS


Anti-RSE campaigns: guidance is welcome, but schools need more support

The government has published new guidance for schools facing disruption from religious groups who oppose LGBT-inclusive education. Alastair Lichten welcomes the gesture but says the substance doesn't go far enough.


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