From Data for Progress <[email protected]>
Subject DFP Newsletter: Who Kyrsten Sinema is really representing in Congress
Date July 23, 2021 10:29 PM
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Welcome back to the Data for Progress newsletter, your weekly update on our research, blog posts, and memos.


Kyrsten Sinema… what exactly is her deal?

It’s a question on the minds of progressives everywhere, watching with dismay as Senator Sinema refuses to budge on abolishing the filibuster and other key progressive priorities. And while we can’t divine her thoughts, we can tell you who she’s really representing in Congress.

The verdict? Apparently, nobody — in a new blog post ([link removed]) this week by Polling Principal Gustavo Sanchez and Senior Analyst Brian Burton, we find that Senator Sinema’s approval ratings are markedly lower than those of her Senate colleague Mark Kelly and President Joe Biden.

As Brian and Gustavo write, “with a -17 net approval among Republicans, it is clear that Senator Sinema’s commitment to bipartisanship has not netted her the broad coalition of support that she may be attempting to form among Arizona voters.” Arizona voters overall expressed a net unfavorable rating of Sen. Sinema by -4 points.

Moreover, we found that Senator Sinema’s refusal to eliminate the filibuster is causing her to lose stock with Democratic primary voters in Arizona: 66 percent have said that they would vote for another candidate who will champion filibuster reform, compared to only 22 percent who would re-elect Senator Sinema should she continue to preserve it.

You can read our full polling and analysis here ([link removed]) .
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Here are some other highlights from DFP over the past week:

How many green workers are in your state?
Progressives are pushing to create millions of green jobs — but what industries will these jobs be in? Which states employ the most green workers? And which jobs in Biden’s infrastructure package would benefit women and workers of color the most?

In an exciting new project with Sunrise Movement, led by researchers Brittany Bennett and Kyle Gracey, we map out nearly 600 jobs — including over 100 green jobs — by the states they’re most common in and which workers benefit most. Check out the full interactive map here ([link removed]) , and read our memo about key takeaways from the project here ([link removed]) .

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Senator Warren joined the blog to discuss creating an economy that works for all
President Biden issued a new executive order this month to limit the use of non-compete agreements to increase competition, restore worker protections and safeguard their rights, and lower the prices of consumer goods. Senator Warren explained on the DFP blog ([link removed]) the importance of this executive order and the need for further laws, like regulating the power of monopolies, to create an economy that works for all.

Our polling finds that 67 percent of voters want the government to regulate the power of monopolies.

Biden’s executive order makes both the economy and Democrats more competitive
In a separate blog post, DFP Executive Director Sean McElwee showed ([link removed]) that voters across party lines strongly support the key provisions of Biden’s pro-competition executive order. This includes a 60-point margin of support for working with states and tribes to import safe and cheaper drugs from Canada, a 48-point margin of support for providing consumers with a “right to repair,” and a 28-point margin of support for limiting the use of non-compete agreements.

Dems in array: Child Tax Credit edition
You might have noticed a certain unanimity in the messages of elected Democrats over the last week: nearly all members of the Democratic coalition have joined together to promote the expanded Child Tax Credit, educating people about it and urging them to sign up for it. Our new polling on the CTC this week for Fighting Chance for Families ([link removed]) , our war room with Groundwork Collaborative, finds that ([link removed]) their efforts are working: a vast majority of Americans — 66 percent — are aware of the newly expanded #ChildTaxCredit, up 18 percent since April.

We also found that a majority of voters support making the Child Tax Credit expansion under the American Rescue Plan permanent.

You can read more about our poll and its findings on the FCFF website here ([link removed]) — and stay in touch with our #ExpandCTC efforts by following Fighting Chance for Families on twitter here ([link removed]) .

From Data for Progress
Blog: Want to Build American Manufacturing Back Better? Start With Supply Chains ([link removed])
Blog: Voters Overwhelmingly Support Biden’s Pro-Competition Executive Order ([link removed])
Blog: Who Is Kyrsten Sinema Really Representing? ([link removed])
Memo: Federal Investments In Household Electrification Enjoy Bipartisan Support ([link removed])
Memo: The Occupations Of Climate Ambition ([link removed])

DFP In The News
The Washington Post:Opinion: Biden’s child tax credit should be obvious. Yet the result is revolutionary. ([link removed])
MSNBC:Wednesday's Campaign Round-Up, 7.21.21 ([link removed])
New York Magazine:Why Is It So Hard for Moderate Democrats to ‘Do Popular Things’? ([link removed])
The Hill:Poll: Two-thirds of AZ Democratic voters back primary challenge to Sinema over filibuster ([link removed])
The Hill:Majority in new poll says expanded child tax credit should not be permanent ([link removed])
The Hill:Democrats ramp up spending sales pitch ([link removed])
Vox:Most Americans like remote work — but Democrats like it more ([link removed])
Slate:Kyrsten Sinema’s Strategy of Refusing to Do Anything About Anything Is Not Impressing Voters, Poll Says ([link removed])

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Meme of the Week
Are you subscribed to the OTHER great DFP newsletter, our climate newsletter put out by political director Marcela Mulholland? If not, you’re missing out on the best summary of all things climate around — not to mention some pretty sweet memes.
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