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Kyrsten Sinema… what exactly is her deal?
It’s a question on the minds of progressives everywhere, watching with dismay as Senator Sinema refuses to budge on abolishing the filibuster and other key progressive priorities. And while we can’t divine her thoughts, we can tell you who she’s really representing in Congress.
The verdict? Apparently, nobody — in a new blog post this week by Polling Principal Gustavo Sanchez and Senior Analyst Brian Burton, we find that Senator Sinema’s approval ratings are markedly lower than those of her Senate colleague Mark Kelly and President Joe Biden.

As Brian and Gustavo write, “with a -17 net approval among Republicans, it is clear that Senator Sinema’s commitment to bipartisanship has not netted her the broad coalition of support that she may be attempting to form among Arizona voters.” Arizona voters overall expressed a net unfavorable rating of Sen. Sinema by -4 points.
Moreover, we found that Senator Sinema’s refusal to eliminate the filibuster is causing her to lose stock with Democratic primary voters in Arizona: 66 percent have said that they would vote for another candidate who will champion filibuster reform, compared to only 22 percent who would re-elect Senator Sinema should she continue to preserve it.

You can read our full polling and analysis here.