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** Your daily media briefing - Friday 11 October
In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.
** Secularism in the media
* Government signals it will maintain cap on religious discrimination in admissions <[link removed]>
The government has said it is not planning to scrap its 50% cap on religious discrimination in pupil admissions to new academy faith schools.
Education Executive
* Man tells of being ‘beaten and raped’ at Catholic school in 1970s <[link removed]>
The nephew of the Irish writer Brendan Behan has said that he was repeatedly raped by a member of staff at a Catholic boarding school in Scotland in the 1970s.
The Times (£)
* Children at Edinburgh Catholic school stopped from celebrating Halloween <[link removed]>
Parents of children at St David's RC Primary School in Edinburgh say their children have been stopped from having a Halloween dress up party at school due to 'religious matters'.
Edinburgh Evening News
* 'Parliament is out of step': Telford MP calls for assisted dying to be made legal <[link removed]>
A Shropshire MP has called for assisted dying to be made legal, accusing fellow politicians of being 'out of step' with the public mood.
Shropshire Star
* Women face jail for marching with massive vagina ‘mocking’ religious parade in Spain <[link removed]>
A group of feminists could be facing jail time and a hefty fine for parading a huge plastic vagina in the streets of a Spanish city during a procession.
* ‘Horror of Jews targeted in Halle attack’ <[link removed]>
Jenny Hill reports from Halle in the wake of this week's shooting which targeted a synagogue, and hears evidence of rising anti-semitism.
* ‘Fifa must sustain pressure on Iran to ensure its courageous female fans are not forgotten’ <[link removed]>
Oliver Brown says football's governing body must ensure Iranian women no longer have freedom in name only.
The Telegraph (£)
* Iranian women out in force after 40-year ban from football stadiums ends <[link removed]>
Four thousand female fans have entered Tehran stadium for the first time in decades.
The Times (£)
* Author of evangelical relationships guide says he's getting divorced and is no longer Christian <[link removed]>
The American author of a million-selling Christian guide to relationships for young people has announced his marriage is over and he has lost his faith.
** Latest from the NSS
* Seven independent faith schools banned from admitting new pupils <[link removed]>
Seven independent schools in England were barred from admitting new pupils this academic year – and all of them were faith schools.
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