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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 11 October


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Secularism in the media


Government signals it will maintain cap on religious discrimination in admissions

The government has said it is not planning to scrap its 50% cap on religious discrimination in pupil admissions to new academy faith schools.

Education Executive


Man tells of being ‘beaten and raped’ at Catholic school in 1970s

The nephew of the Irish writer Brendan Behan has said that he was repeatedly raped by a member of staff at a Catholic boarding school in Scotland in the 1970s.

The Times (£)


Children at Edinburgh Catholic school stopped from celebrating Halloween

Parents of children at St David's RC Primary School in Edinburgh say their children have been stopped from having a Halloween dress up party at school due to 'religious matters'.

Edinburgh Evening News


'Parliament is out of step': Telford MP calls for assisted dying to be made legal

A Shropshire MP has called for assisted dying to be made legal, accusing fellow politicians of being 'out of step' with the public mood.

Shropshire Star


Women face jail for marching with massive vagina ‘mocking’ religious parade in Spain

A group of feminists could be facing jail time and a hefty fine for parading a huge plastic vagina in the streets of a Spanish city during a procession.



‘Horror of Jews targeted in Halle attack’

Jenny Hill reports from Halle in the wake of this week's shooting which targeted a synagogue, and hears evidence of rising anti-semitism.



‘Fifa must sustain pressure on Iran to ensure its courageous female fans are not forgotten’

Oliver Brown says football's governing body must ensure Iranian women no longer have freedom in name only.

The Telegraph (£)


Iranian women out in force after 40-year ban from football stadiums ends

Four thousand female fans have entered Tehran stadium for the first time in decades.

The Times (£)


Author of evangelical relationships guide says he's getting divorced and is no longer Christian

The American author of a million-selling Christian guide to relationships for young people has announced his marriage is over and he has lost his faith.



Latest from the NSS


Seven independent faith schools banned from admitting new pupils

Seven independent schools in England were barred from admitting new pupils this academic year – and all of them were faith schools.


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