From Jonathan Greenblatt - ADL CEO <[email protected]>
Subject [Special Event] Webinar/Press Conference on New ADL Audit of Antisemitic Incidents
Date April 23, 2021 12:56 PM
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Dear John,

Please join us next Tuesday, April 27 as our special guest for a live briefing and press conference announcing the complete findings of our annual Audit of Antisemitic Incidents.

This briefing, which starts at 11 AM ET/8 AM PT, will serve as our latest
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Fighting Hate from Home webinar, so you will hear from ADL and government leaders about the state of antisemitism in the United States and see first-hand as they field questions about this important report from the national news media.

Last year&rsquo;s audit revealed alarming, historically high levels of antisemitic incidents ranging from vandalism to deadly attacks. At this press conference, we will reveal the latest results, including pandemic-related shifts such as Zoombombing incidents targeting Jewish institutions when schools and synagogues moved to remote learning.

I am honored to be joined at the event by D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine, President of the National Association of Attorneys General, as well as Oren Segal, VP of ADL&rsquo;s Center on Extremism, which compiles the data and Rachel Grinspan, Director of Community Affairs for ADL&rsquo;s NY/NJ Region, who will present regional findings.

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We want you to be part of this conversation, so please bring your questions.

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WEBINAR: &ldquo;A Special Briefing on the State of Antisemitism in the U.S.&rdquo;
Thursday, April 2711 AM ET / 10 AM CT / 9 AM MT / 8 AM PT

Featured Speakers:

- Karl A. Racine, D.C. Attorney General and President, National Association of Attorneys General
- Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO and National Director of ADL
- Oren Segal, VP of ADL&rsquo;s Center on Extremism
- Rachel Grinspan, Director of Community Affairs for ADL&rsquo;s NY/NJ Region

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Please sign up now to join us next Tuesday. You can send questions to our experts in the webinar&rsquo;s chat tool. All registrants will be emailed a link to the recording to re-watch and share.

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Please sign up for this special webinar and press briefing, and I encourage you to forward this email to your friends so they can join me and the ADL community for the event.

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Jonathan Greenblatt
CEO and National Director

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