Dear John,
Please join us next Tuesday, April 27 as our special guest for a live briefing and press conference announcing the complete findings of our annual Audit of Antisemitic Incidents.
This briefing, which starts at 11 AM ET/8 AM PT, will serve as our latest Fighting Hate from Home webinar, so you will hear from ADL and government leaders about the state of antisemitism in the United States and see first-hand as they field questions about this important report from the national news media.
Last year’s audit revealed alarming, historically high levels of antisemitic incidents ranging from vandalism to deadly attacks. At this press conference, we will reveal the latest results, including pandemic-related shifts such as Zoombombing incidents targeting Jewish institutions when schools and synagogues moved to remote learning.
I am honored to be joined at the event by D.C. Attorney General Karl A. Racine, President of the National Association of Attorneys General, as well as Oren Segal, VP of ADL’s Center on Extremism, which compiles the data and Rachel Grinspan, Director of Community Affairs for ADL’s NY/NJ Region, who will present regional findings.
We want you to be part of this conversation, so please bring your questions.