Team -- No one working 40 hours a
week should be living below the poverty line. America is one of
the wealthiest nations in the world, and yet our minimum wage has
not risen to reflect the cost of living in the United States.
Wage work has a long history within New York’s 9th District, and
we believe that everyone has a right to a fair and living wage.
( [link removed] ), if
you stand with us, sign on and demand that Congress raise the
national minimum wage to $15 an hour.
( [link removed] )
( [link removed] )
Yvette knows that $7.25 an hour is NOT enough to live on,
especially when the average rent in Brooklyn can easily exceed
$2,000 a month. With Democrats in control of the House and the
Senate and a Biden Administration who prioritizes building back
better, we have a chance to lift thousands of people out of the
cycle of poverty.
Multi-billion dollar corporations have been growing their
wealth at the expense of ordinary wage workers for years. It’s
time that Congress holds them accountable and raises the minimum
wage. There is dignity in all work and wage workers everywhere
deserve better.
A livable minimum wage means more dollars in your pocket
and a better economy for all of
us. Friend
( [link removed] ), will
you sign our petition and demand that Congress raise the minimum
wage? ( [link removed] )
( [link removed] )
-- Team Clarke
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