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** Your daily media briefing - Friday 27 September
In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.
** Secularism in the media
* Rise in schools not fully providing Religious Education <[link removed]>
The number of schools flouting RE laws has risen, research by the National Association of Teachers of RE suggests.
Church Times
* Council 'has no power' to impose temporary ban on Glasgow marches <[link removed]>
Glasgow City Council has said it cannot go ahead with a temporary ban on loyalist and republican marches because there is currently "no legal basis".
* Most teachers do not have a religion, survey suggests <[link removed]>
Almost two-thirds of teachers polled say that they have no religion, and only 15 per cent identify as Anglican, findings from a survey of teachers suggest.
Church Times
* County Antrim Catholic school closure delayed for integration bid <[link removed]>
A plan to close a Catholic school in August 2020 has been delayed to enable its attempt to transform into an integrated school.
* Drop in vaccination rates in England alarming, experts warn <[link removed]>
Experts have expressed alarm at a drop in take-up of all routine childhood vaccinations across England which leaves many thousands of children under-protected.
The Guardian
* Ofsted highlights safeguarding concerns at Catholic primary school <[link removed]>
A primary school in Portsmouth has seen its Ofsted judgement fall from good to inadequate in less than a year with concerns over children's safety highlighted in the report.
The News (Portsmouth)
* Mexico's Oaxaca state decriminalises abortion <[link removed]>
Women's rights activists in Mexico are celebrating after the southern state of Oaxaca decriminalised abortion. Activists hope the move signals broader reforms to ensure reproductive rights in what is still a conservative and deeply Catholic country.
The Guardian
* Vatican fury at Italian court over assisted suicide ruling <[link removed]>
The Vatican accused Italy of "spreading a culture of death" yesterday after its constitutional court ruled that it was not always a crime to help someone facing intolerable suffering to die.
The Times (£)
* Most Jewish Israelis want ultra-Orthodox parties out of government, survey finds <[link removed]>
A majority of Jewish voters in Israel want their next government to be less religious than it is now, polling has found.
The Times of Israel
* Rights advocates call Trump's pledge to decriminalise gay sex 'a lie' <[link removed]>
President Trump pledged this week to help end the criminalisation of homosexuality globally, but LGBT+ rights advocates took a dim view of his speech at the United Nations, accusing him of rolling back protections at home.
* ‘The ultra-Orthodox Jewish community’s sexual abuse crisis in New York has finally reached a tipping point’ <[link removed]>
Hella Winton says one of the most secretive and isolated subcultures in the United States is facing possible exposure, thanks to a new law.
** In case you missed it: from the NSS
* NSS criticises council for giving church £40k amid local opposition <[link removed]>
The NSS has criticised a Dorset town council for spending £40,000 on church repairs despite the Church of England's significant wealth.
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