In the Media, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most
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Almost two-thirds of teachers polled say that they have no religion, and only 15 per cent identify as Anglican, findings from a survey of teachers suggest.
Experts have expressed alarm at a drop in take-up of all routine childhood vaccinations across England which leaves many thousands of children
A primary school in Portsmouth has seen its Ofsted judgement fall from good to inadequate in less than a year with concerns over children's safety
highlighted in the report.
Women's rights activists in Mexico are celebrating after the southern state of Oaxaca decriminalised abortion. Activists hope the move signals broader
reforms to ensure reproductive rights in what is still a conservative and deeply Catholic country.
The Vatican accused Italy of "spreading a culture of death" yesterday after its constitutional court ruled that it was not always a crime to help someone
facing intolerable suffering to die.
President Trump pledged this week to help end the criminalisation of homosexuality globally, but LGBT+ rights advocates took a dim view of his speech at the
United Nations, accusing him of rolling back protections at home.
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