From ADL Walk Against Hate <[email protected]>
Subject Are you ready to stroll, roll, jog or click against hate?
Date October 15, 2020 8:28 PM
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Now Is the Time!

Dear John,

This is your last chance to take part in ADL&rsquo;s first national, first virtual Walk Against Hate!

You can join tens of thousands of dedicated people who have committed to stepping up to fight hate &mdash; alongside individuals, schools, businesses and organizations from nearly every state in the country and even overseas (hello, Buenos Aires and Jerusalem!).

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The Walk is going on now, and crosses the finish line on October 18. With your help, this will be an amazing week!

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2020 has been a year like no other, so let&rsquo;s make this a week like no other, where we all stand up against the things that divide our communities. Instead, let&rsquo;s pull together by jogging, strolling, rolling, cycling and whatever else you decide to do to #WalkAgainstHate.

So, how can you take part?
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Watch the &ldquo;Now&rsquo;s the Time&rdquo; video we created for our Walkers for some great ways to do your thing. Be sure to take a few pics as you Walk, then share them with us by tagging them with #WalkAgainstHate.

We can only keep up the fight against hate &mdash; ADL&rsquo;s essential work of building a more just, more inclusive and safer future &mdash; with your help, so Walk your Walk this week and encourage your community to join you!

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We can&rsquo;t wait to gather with you at
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Take a moment to watch the
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&ldquo;Now&rsquo;s the Time&rdquo; video, then get out there and Walk!

Thank you!

The ADL Walk team

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