All over the country (and beyond), people are stepping up to fight hate
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Now Is the Time!

Dear John,

This is your last chance to take part in ADL’s first national, first virtual Walk Against Hate!

You can join tens of thousands of dedicated people who have committed to stepping up to fight hate — alongside individuals, schools, businesses and organizations from nearly every state in the country and even overseas (hello, Buenos Aires and Jerusalem!).

The Walk is going on now, and crosses the finish line on October 18. With your help, this will be an amazing week!

Watch Walk Against Hate Video

2020 has been a year like no other, so let’s make this a week like no other, where we all stand up against the things that divide our communities. Instead, let’s pull together by jogging, strolling, rolling, cycling and whatever else you decide to do to #WalkAgainstHate.

So, how can you take part? Watch the “Now’s the Time” video we created for our Walkers for some great ways to do your thing. Be sure to take a few pics as you Walk, then share them with us by tagging them with #WalkAgainstHate.

We can only keep up the fight against hate — ADL’s essential work of building a more just, more inclusive and safer future — with your help, so Walk your Walk this week and encourage your community to join you!

We can’t wait to gather with you at on Sunday, October 18 at Noon ET, 9 AM PT to celebrate all of the ways that by walking, you are Fighting Hate for Good.

Take a moment to watch the “Now’s the Time” video, then get out there and Walk!

Thank you!
The ADL Walk team