From ADL Headlines <[email protected]>
Subject President Trump Declines to Condemn White Supremacists at Debate
Date October 1, 2020 9:50 PM
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October 1, 2020


President Trump refused to unequivocally condemn white supremacists and far-right extremist groups when asked by moderator Chris Wallace to do so at Tuesday&rsquo;s presidential debate. A self-appointed Facebook watchdog group formed by academics and advocates claim the company has not done enough to clamp down on misinformation and protect democracy ahead of the 2020 election. Clubhouse, a private, invitation-only social media app, found itself mired in accusations of antisemitism this week, after users allegedly invoked classical stereotypes during an online discussion about relations between Jews and African Americans.

Read on for more on these headlines, news you can use to fight hate and the latest info about ADL from around the country.



President Trump Declines to Condemn White Supremacists at Debate

&ldquo;After the debate, in the Proud Boys' Telegram channel, members boasted of Mr. Trump's reaction. They used &lsquo;stand back&rsquo; and &lsquo;stand by&rsquo; in the logo and posted videos from the debate with the caption &lsquo;God. Family. Brotherhood.&rsquo;&rdquo; CBS News:
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ADL Blog: Asked to Denounce White Supremacists, President Trump Tells Far-Right Extremist Group to "Stand By"

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ADL Resource: Who are the Proud Boys?

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WATCH: ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt on CBS News​​​​​​​



Critics Call for Facebook to Protect Democracy with 3 Urgent Steps

&ldquo;The 24-person board called for Facebook to take three immediate steps in order to protect U.S. democracy. First, it is calling for a ban on all paid advertising mentioning presidential election results in the critical period when the ballots are being counted. It said the ban should run from election night until one candidate is declared president-elect and the other concedes, adding this could prevent violence from breaking out if the results are contested.&rdquo; ABC News:
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NEW ADL Series: At the Extremes -- The 2020 Election and American Extremism

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Jonathan Greenblatt tweet: &ldquo;Proud to be a member of @FBOversight and encouraged that Facebook already is making concessions based on our demands because our democracy literally is at stake&hellip;&rdquo;



Tech App Clubhouse Under Fire for Hosting &lsquo;Antisemitic&rsquo; Discussion on Black-Jewish Relations

&ldquo;Live audio app Clubhouse &mdash; a favored haunt of &lsquo;venture capitalists and other Silicon Valley insiders,&rsquo; according to Bloomberg News &mdash; hosted a virtual conversation on the subject of &lsquo;Antisemitism and Black Culture&rsquo; that was attended by more than 300 participants on Monday night. Some of those present reported that antisemitic tropes linking Jews with commerce and finance were repeatedly invoked during the conversation.&rdquo; Algemeiner:
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Statement from Dave Sifry, VP for the Center for Technology and Society: &ldquo;The fact that Clubhouse is currently in closed beta means it can tackle the problems of hate and harassment on its platform before it ramps up &mdash; if the company is willing&hellip;&rdquo;

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READ: About ADL&rsquo;s Center for Technology and Society



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We express deep concern about the nomination of @DHS_Wolf to serve as Secretary of Homeland Security&hellip;
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Excited for the launch of @ADL and @Peril_AU&rsquo;s new podcast &ldquo;extremely&rdquo;&hellip;
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New Hampshire finds Unite the Right rally organizer and neo-Nazi Christopher Cantwell guilty of extortion and threats&hellip;



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Maine professor agrees with DHS analysis ranking white supremacists as top safety threat (ABC Portland, ME)
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Anti-Defamation League alarmed by increase in 'extremist activity' around election (Bucks County Courier Times)
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'Proud Boys' have history of violence in DC region (CBS D.C. -- Meredith Weisel interviewed)



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What video games could learn from social networks about fighting online disinformation (CBC News, Canada -- Daniel Kelley interviewed)
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Search &lsquo;Jewish baby carriage,&rsquo; Google will return images of ovens (Forward)
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Qatari Textbooks Teach Anti-Semitism (Newsweek -- David Weinberg joint op-ed)

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