From Chris - NSS <[email protected]>
Subject Your daily media briefing: archbishop of Canterbury & Brexit; council prayers
Date August 29, 2019 8:38 AM
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** Your daily media briefing - Thursday 29 August

In the Media <[link removed]>, our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, is one of the most popular features on our website and now available delivered to your inbox.

** Written by the NSS

* ‘Don’t expect the Church of England to unify the country’ <[link removed]>

Chris Sloggett says asking the archbishop of Canterbury to chair a forum on Brexit is a mistake.

Uncommon Ground Media

** Secularism in the media

* Welsh council criticised for having prayers before meetings – NSS quoted <[link removed]>

The NSS has criticised Denbighshire County Council for its practice of holding prayers before full council meetings.

Wales Online

* Watchdog on terror legislation urges caution over call to ban far-right hate groups <[link removed]>

The watchdog on terror legislation has urged caution over proposals to ban far-right hate groups before they turn to violence, warning that doing so could glamorise designated organisations.

The Guardian

* Rotherham child sexual abuse: six more men convicted <[link removed]>

Six more men from Rotherham have been convicted of grooming and abusing vulnerable girls in the South Yorkshire town as part of the largest child sexual exploitation and abuse inquiry in the UK.

The Guardian

* India: 10 men convicted over murder of Dalit Christian man who married 'high-caste' woman <[link removed]>

A court In India's southern Kerala state has sentenced 10 men to life imprisonment for killing a low caste Dalit Christian for marrying a higher caste woman.

The Telegraph

* Review 'could see anti-radicalisation scheme scrapped' says man leading it <[link removed]>

A peer tasked with reviewing the government's anti-radicalisation programme Prevent has said "everything is up for discussion", including scrapping the scheme.

Powys County Times

* Funerals in churches at all time low, study suggests <[link removed]>

Only a minority of people now want a traditional religious funeral, with most preferring friends and family to have a get-together, or not wanting a fuss made at all, a new study suggests.

Premier Christian Radio

* Jehovah’s Witness and son standing trial over claims they abused girls in 1970s and 80s <[link removed]>

A Jehovah's Witness stands accused of sexually abusing his daughter when she was aged just four years old.

Swindon Advertiser

* Australia unveils religious freedom bill after rugby star sacked for 'hell awaits homosexuals' post

Australia has proposed legislation which ministers say is designed to protect people who express their religious faith outside of the workplace.


* Sacked Australian player argues social media posts 'substantially unrelated' to rugby <[link removed]>

The former Australia rugby player Israel Folau has said the controversial social media posts that led to his sacking were "substantially unrelated" to rugby.

The Guardian

** Latest from the NSS

* NSS questions NHS trust’s decision to fund spiritual healing <[link removed]>

The NSS has questioned why an NHS trust is spending thousands of pounds on a therapist to specialise in reiki.

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