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The watchdog on terror legislation has urged caution over proposals to ban far-right hate groups before they turn to violence, warning that doing so could
glamorise designated organisations.
Six more men from Rotherham have been convicted of grooming and abusing vulnerable girls in the South Yorkshire town as part of the largest child sexual
exploitation and abuse inquiry in the UK.
A court In India's southern Kerala state has sentenced 10 men to life imprisonment for killing a low caste Dalit Christian for marrying a higher caste woman.
A peer tasked with reviewing the government's anti-radicalisation programme Prevent has said "everything is up for discussion", including scrapping the
Only a minority of people now want a traditional religious funeral, with most preferring friends and family to have a get-together, or not wanting a fuss
made at all, a new study suggests.
The former Australia rugby player Israel Folau has said the controversial social media posts that led to his sacking were "substantially unrelated" to rugby.
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