This week at CBPP, we focused on health, federal taxes, the federal budget, food assistance, state budgets and taxes, housing, poverty and inequality, and the economy.
* On health, Jesse Cross-Call and Matt Broaddus reported that states that have expanded Medicaid are better positioned to address COVID-19 and the recession ([link removed]) . Judith Solomon explained why continuous coverage protections for Medicaid in the Families First Act are so important ([link removed]) . Paul N. Van de Water noted that increasing the federal share of Medicaid costs ([link removed]) provides effective economic stimulus. We also updated our report on how states are leveraging Medicaid to respond to COVID-19 ([link removed]) .
* On federal taxes, Chuck Marr outlined three reasons to expand the Earned Income Tax Credit for childless adults ([link removed]) amid COVID-19. Kris Cox noted that making the Child Tax Credit fully available would benefit 6 million women of color ([link removed]) . Samantha Jacoby pointed out how this year’s Tax Day highlights the need to rebuild the IRS ([link removed]) .
* On the federal budget, Chye-Ching Huang and Chuck Marr summarized ([link removed]) their recent paper on how failed reopenings highlight the urgent need to build on federal fiscal support for households and states ([link removed]) .
* On food assistance, Brynne Keith-Jennings outlined five reasons why households need a boost in SNAP benefits ([link removed]) . We also updated our fact sheet on how states are using their new flexibility in SNAP to respond to COVID-19 challenges ([link removed]) .
* On state budgets and taxes, we released a policy brief on how state outreach can get stimulus payments to as many eligible residents as possible ([link removed]) . Wesley Tharpe highlighted six charts on state taxes and spending ([link removed]) ahead of Tax Day.
* On housing, CBPP and other members of the Mobility Works collaborative praised announcement of the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s new funding to help families use housing vouchers in high-opportunity areas ([link removed]) .
* On poverty and inequality, Matt Saenz and Arloc Sherman updated their research note finding that the number of people in families with below-poverty earnings has soared ([link removed]) , especially among Black and Latino individuals.
* On the economy, we updated our backgrounder on how many weeks of unemployment compensation are available ([link removed]) .
Chart of the Week — Over 650,000 Uninsured Essential Workers Could Gain Medicaid Coverage if Holdout States Adopted Expansion ([link removed])
A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts this past week. Here are some of the highlights:
What Congress can do to give students a fighting chance ([link removed])
July 17, 2020
Opioid overdoses have skyrocketed amid the coronavirus, but states are nevertheless slashing addiction treatment program budgets ([link removed])
Stat News
July 16, 2020
Here’s why economists say arguments against extending unemployment benefits don’t hold up ([link removed])
July 15, 2020
Letting extra unemployment pay expire may be the GOP’s next self-inflicted wound ([link removed])
Boston Globe
July 15, 2020
Taxes Won’t Save States And Cities. They Need Federal Budget Aid, Plus Stimulus Checks ([link removed])
July 14, 2020
New Republican push for paid family leave in coronavirus stimulus package ([link removed])
McClatchy DC
July 13, 2020
Don’t miss any of our posts, papers, or charts – follow us on Twitter ([link removed]) , Facebook ([link removed]) , and Instagram ([link removed]) .
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