This week at CBPP, we focused on health, federal taxes, the federal budget, food assistance, state budgets and taxes, housing, poverty and inequality, and the economy.
Chart of the Week — Over 650,000 Uninsured Essential Workers Could Gain Medicaid Coverage if Holdout States Adopted Expansion
A variety of news outlets featured CBPP’s work and experts this past week. Here are some of the highlights:
What Congress can do to give students a fighting chance
July 17, 2020
Opioid overdoses have skyrocketed amid the coronavirus, but states are nevertheless slashing addiction treatment program budgets
Stat News
July 16, 2020
Here’s why economists say arguments against extending unemployment benefits don’t hold up
July 15, 2020
Letting extra unemployment pay expire may be the GOP’s next self-inflicted wound
Boston Globe
July 15, 2020
Taxes Won’t Save States And Cities. They Need Federal Budget Aid, Plus Stimulus Checks
July 14, 2020
New Republican push for paid family leave in coronavirus stimulus package
McClatchy DC
July 13, 2020
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