Dear John,
Right now, millions of families and individuals are struggling to make ends meet. They may be working multiple jobs, with low pay, erratic hours and no paid time off. They are likely raising children, or caregivers for ill relatives, and they may also be students trying to fit post-secondary classes around their family and work responsibilities. And a history of discrimination in private job markets and public policies means that people of color are the most likely to be in low-quality jobs where it's next-to-impossible to move up.
*At CLASP, we're fighting to reduce poverty, improve the lives of low-income people, and tear down systemic barriers that hold back people of color including immigrants and their families.* Over the past two years, we have been defending anti-poverty policies and programs against the greatest threats we've seen in 50 years of work on these issues-while also continuing to move a positive vision. Today, we continue the defense-but we also see big opportunities ahead, especially in the states.
Along with the National Immigration Law Center, we are co-leading the *Protecting Immigrant Families campaign (PIF) [ [link removed] ]*. Our goal is to defeat the threat to immigrants and their families from the White House proposal to change the "public charge" immigration rule.
Since the administration published its proposed change to the "public charge" rule on October 10, more than 60,000 people have gone to the [ [link removed] ] website to express their opposition. Stopping this cruel and counter-productive rule is a fight we can win. The comment period ends on December 10, 2018. We encourage you to get involved and visit our *Protecting Immigrant Families site [ [link removed] ]* to offer a comment and learn how you can join us in this fight.
As we approach the new year, CLASP will continue to generate thoughtful and grounded ideas that work for low-income people and to distill lessons from implementation in the states that can guide a national vision. In 2019, CLASP will celebrate its 50th anniversary. You'll be one of the first to hear about our plans to celebrate and recognize this important milestone.
As one of our subscribers, we also invite you to stay connected to us through our social media channels. *Please follow us on Twitter @CLASP_DC [ [link removed] ] and on Facebook [ [link removed] ] for updates on our major reports and analysis.* Help us build engagement around our work like the "call to action" for the PIF campaign by using the hashtag #ProtectFamilies and sharing our Facebook posts with your social media network.
Thank you again for your interest in our work. Your support is crucial to our impact and success, and it means a great deal to us. [ [link removed] ] Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of so many people.
Olivia Golden
Executive Director
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